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  Dad was always full of advice.

  One of the biggest lessons he taught me one summer was about having a strong__1__ethic(道德规范). When my brother and I were growing up, we mowed__2__during the summer to earn pocket__3__.

  Every time we went to mow lawns, Dad was there to watch. I used to__4__why he came with us.He stood watching our work in the__5__weather when he could have been inside relaxing with air conditioning.

  One day we were__6__our neighbor's yard. She always __7__until the grass was knee­high to call us over. To make matters worse, we had an old lawn mower. That afternoon, I was finishing up and was__8__. I was just about to__9__the mower when I saw Dad pointing to some __10__. I thought about how little I was paid for cutting grass so__11__and it almost broke the mower.

  I__12__him and kept walking.

  Dad called me out, “You missed a piece.”

  I frowned,__13__he would go home. He kept__14__.So worn out and discouraged, I went back to cut that piece of grass. I mumbled(咕哝) to myself,“That one piece isn't __15__anyone. Why won't he just let it go?”

  Other neighbors took__16__of the good work we did and we soon got__17__business.We started out with one client, but by the end of the summer we had five.

  The lesson my dad taught

  me stayed with me: be__18__. If you say you are going to perform a job at a certain time, keep your__19__.Give your customers the kind of service

  you would like to__20__. It shows how sincere you are and

  how much pride you take in your work.

  1. A. work

  B. family

  C. neighbor

  D. study

  2. A. banks

  B. fields

  C. yards

  D. squares

  3. A. change

  B. trouble

  C. method

  D. stage

  4. A. scold

  B. impress

  C. beg

  D. wonder

  5. A. rainy

  B. snowy

  C. hot

  D. cold

  6. A. watering

  B. cutting

  C. making

  D. digging

  7. A. instructed

  B. followed

  C. stopped

  D. waited

  8. A. excited

  B. confused

  C. frightened

  D. tired

  9. A. pay for

  B. cut down

  C. turn off

  D. cut off

  10. A. people

  B. stones

  C. grass

  D. bushes

  11. A. strong

  B. thin

  C. different

  D. high

  12. A.




  C. comforted

  D. appreciated

  13. A. pretending

  B. admitting

  C. hoping

  D. believing

  14. A. going

  B. pointing

  C. shaking

  D. raising

  15. A. hurting

  B. cheating

  C. criticizing

  D. concerning

  16. A. care

  B. advantage

  C. notice

  D. proud

  17. A. longer

  B. harder

  C. more

  D. better

  18. A. ordinary

  B. professional

  C. brave

  D. outstanding

  19. A. space

  B. peace

  C. word

  D. need

  20. A. offer

  B. receive

  C. provide

  D. exchange

  [文章大意]  本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。一个夏天,作者在给邻居割草坪以赚取零花钱的时候,作者的父亲一直在旁边看着作者并指出他的缺点。通过割草,作者从父亲那里学到了一些工作中的道理。

  1.A。从文章的最后一句“It shows how sincere you are and how

  much pride you take in your work.”可知,作者通过给人割草坪学到了“工作”上的道德,所以此处要用work。

  2.C。根据第三段第一句中的“our neighbor's yard”可以得知,作者是在“院子”里割草坪,所以选yards。

  3.A。从文章第三段中的“I was paid for cutting grass”可知,作者给邻居割草坪能够得到报酬,因此推断作者是想赚点零花钱,所以此处要用pocket change。

  4.D。从空后面“why he came with us”和下句中的“he could have

  been inside”可知,作者想知道(wonder)父亲为什么要跟着他们。

  5.C。从第一段最后一句的“during the summer”和下面的“with air


  6.B。从第二段第一句的“Every time we went to mow lawns”可知,此处表示作者是替邻居“割”草坪,所以此处要用cutting。

  7.D。从后面的“until the grass was knee­high to call us over”可知,那位女士一直“等”(waited)草齐膝高了才叫作者过去割。

  8.D。根据第四段第三句中的“So worn out”可知,作者感觉很累(tired)。

  9.C。从前一句中的“I was finishing up”可知,作者完成了割草,因此要“关上”割草机,所以此处要用turn off。

  10.C。从空处所在段最后一句中的“You missed a piece”和下一段第三句的“back to cut that piece of grass”可知,作者的父亲指的是“草”,所以此处要用grass。

  11.D。从第7空后面的“was knee­high to call us over”可知,草长得很高,所以此处要用high。

  12.A。从下面的“and kept walking”可知,作者“不理睬”父亲,所以此处要用ignored。

  13.C。 结合后面的“So worn out and discouraged”和“I mumbled(咕哝)”可知,作者不愿再去管那片草,所以“希望”(hoping)父亲回家。

  14.B。从后面的“I went back to cut that piece of grass”可知,作者回去了,据此可以推断父亲一直“指”(pointing)向那块草坪。

  15.A。从后面的“Why won't

  he just let it go?”可知,作者感觉那些草也不伤人,没有必要再去割,所以此处要用hurting。

  16.C。从下面的“We started out with one...had five.”可知,作者的工作被其他邻居“注意”到了,所以此处要用take notice of。

  17.C。从下面的“but by the end of the summer we had five”可知,作者得到了“更多的”工作,所以此处要用more。


  19.C。从后面的“It shows how sincere you are”可知,此处表示一定要遵守诺言,所以要用keep your word。



  My husband has always had great love for older people and has helped out several elderly friends in the past,but this story is different!

  Mr. Daves


  in the same lake as my husband John for over 15 years. A


  developed but when Mrs. Daves died five years ago,it left Mr. Daves alone.They had no children and after sixty years of


  he was lost.So John took Mr. Daves fishing with him every time he went. Mr. Daves was

  energetic and never


  being with John.

  A few years later Mr. Daves had a stroke that paralyzed(使瘫痪) his right side. He lost his


  and was put into a nursing home. Confined(限制) to his


  and unable to communicate, Mr. Daves began to

  __7__from depression. This almost


  John's heart.

  He finally got


  from the nursing home to take Mr. Daves out for a ride. They were both


  to be together again but it was very


  for Mr. Daves to be lifted into John's truck. The


  of his paralyzed side pulled heavily on his good side. John worried about this


  still took him out about every ten days.

  One day he announced he was selling his


  truck to buy a van that was equipped for a

  __15__. We researched these vehicles, sold the truck and got a van. It isn't sporty


  fast but it sure


  Mr. Dave's pain on their outings and they both enjoy them more. Now they can go fishing together more


  Mr. Daves is now


  but is still


  life. I don't know anyone who would


  their prized possession to help a friend. I hope he can be a(n)


  for others to take similar steps to help those who are in need.

  1. A.

  drove B. fished

  C. played

  D. swam




  B. habit

  C. problem

  D. story

  3. A. fishing

  B. living

  C. marriage

  D. work

  4. A. afraid of

  B. aware of

  C. fond of

  D. tired of

  5. A. sight

  B. smell

  C. speech

  D. touch

  6. A. bed

  B. house

  C. office

  D. truck

  7. A. escape

  B. hear

  C. learn

  D. suffer

  8. A. broke

  B. moved

  C. stole

  D. ruined


  A. benefit

  B. information

  C. permission

  D. promise

  10. A. excited

  B. frightened

  C. surprised


  11. A. easy

  B. happy

  C. long

  D. painful

  12. A. height

  B. slimness

  C. weight

  D. wound

  13. A. and

  B. but

  C. so

  D. thus

  14. A. broken

  B. favourite

  C. new

  D. old

  15. A. bedroom

  B. kitchen

  C. toilet

  D. wheelchair

  16. A. cures

  B. eases

  C. promotes

  D. worsens


  A. cheaply

  B. fortunately

  C. frequently

  D. greedily


  A. enjoying

  B. improving

  C. living

  D. planting


  A. put away

  B. pick up

  C. hand in

  D. give up

  20. A. example

  B. guide

  C. hero

  D. superman

  [文章大意] 本文为记叙文。文章作者讲述了其丈夫热心帮助一个无子女的孤寡老人的故事,激励人们关爱老人。

  1.B。根据下文中“So John took Mr.Daves fishing with him every time he went.”可知,他们是坚持到同一个湖去钓鱼。故选B项。

  2.A。根据文章第一段“...has helped out several elderly

  friends in the past...”中的friends可知。故选A项。

  3.C。根据上句“...Mrs.Daves died”以及最后一段首句“Mr.

  Daves is now 86...”可知,其夫人的去世,结束了他们60年的婚姻。 故选C项。


  5.C。根据下一句中的“unable to communicate”可知,戴夫斯先生偏瘫后,丧失了说话的能力。故选C项。



  8.A。戴夫斯先生的不幸和痛苦让约翰心碎。break one's heart令人心碎。故选A项。






  14.B。根据下文中“their prized possession”可知,卖掉的卡车是约翰“心爱的”车。故选B项。








  I was born is Schuyler County, Illinois. I __1__ the first twelve years there. My parents __2__on a farm about three miles southwest of the county. Living in the county, it was quite a __3__ to go to town. __4__ a circus would come to

  Rushville, and my father and mother would take my sister, Edith, and me to __5__ the sights.

  But the one situation that still remains so __6__ in my mind was being privileged to see the play, Uncle Tom's Cabin. I was about five years old at the time, and I had not __7__ to school yet. The play was given in a tent on a vacant lot.



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