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一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态以及计划、打算做某事。E.g. They will have a football match tomorrow. He will be thirty next week. She is going to buy a coat this afternoon.


1)will + 动词原形(will可以用于任何人称) 需要注意的是当主语是第一人称时will可以换成shall,特别是在以I或we作主语的问句中,一般用shall. e.g. Shall we go to the zoo?

2)be going to +动词原形


第一种结构的句式变化是: 变否定句在will后边加not. 变一般疑问句把will提前. e.g. She will be back in three days. She will not be back in three days. Will She be back in three days? 第二种结构的句式变化要在be上做文章. E.g. They are going to clean their classroom. They are not going to clean their classroom. Are they going to clean their classroom?


1)this引导的短语 如 this year

2)tomorrow及其相关短语如tomorrow morning

3)next引导的短语 如 next month

4) from now on ; in the future ; in an hour 等。

学生常见错误如下:    一、易忽视动词用原形形式

例:1 He will is (be) at school next Monday.

2 He is going to does (do) his homework after school.

答案:1 be 2 do


二、be going to +动词原形与will+动词原形用法不清楚


I am studying hard and I will try for my English exams.

答案:I am studying hard and I am going to try for my English exams.

解析:“be going to 表示计划、打算要做某事。E.g. He is going to visit his friends. 还表示某种迹象表明会发生某事.e.g. Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain. 而“Will+动词原形 指对将来事物的预见、表示意愿、决心。E.g. I will wait for you until you come. 在单纯预测未来时,二者可以互换,但在此题中只能用be going to,而不能用will。

一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态以及计划、打算做某事。E.g. They will have a football match tomorrow. He will be thirty next week. She is going to buy a coat this afternoon.


1)will + 动词原形(will可以用于任何人称) 需要注意的是当主语是第一人称时will可以换成shall,特别是在以I或we作主语的问句中,一般用shall. e.g. Shall we go to the zoo?

2)be going to +动词原形


第一种结构的句式变化是: 变否定句在will后边加not. 变一般疑问句把will提前. e.g. She will be back in three days. She will not be back in three days. Will She be back in three days? 第二种结构的句式变化要在be上做文章. E.g. They are going to clean their classroom. They are not going to clean their classroom. Are they going to clean their classroom?


1)this引导的短语 如 this year

2)tomorrow及其相关短语如tomorrow morning

3)next引导的短语 如 next month

4) from now on ; in the future ; in an hour 等。

学生常见错误如下:    一、易忽视动词用原形形式

例:1 He will is (be) at school next Monday.

2 He is going to does (do) his homework after school.

答案:1 be 2 do


二、be going to +动词原形与will+动词原形用法不清楚


I am studying hard and I will try for my English exams.

答案:I am studying hard and I am going to try for my English exams.

解析:“be going to 表示计划、打算要做某事。E.g. He is going to visit his friends. 还表示某种迹象表明会发生某事.e.g. Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain. 而“Will+动词原形 指对将来事物的预见、表示意愿、决心。E.g. I will wait for you until you come. 在单纯预测未来时,二者可以互换,但在此题中只能用be going to,而不能用will。



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