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  discribing things:

  1.your favourite photo

  2.happy event

  3.an invention before the age of computer

  4.something you want to learn in the future

  discribing people:

  1.a neighbour

  discribing place:

  1.a shopping center

  2.a historic place

  3.a foreign country that you havent been before

  discribing communication and mibia:

  1.favourite magazine or newspaper

  2.a kind of film

  3.a advertisement

  discribin celebration and leisure time

  1.important festival

  2.a party you have taken part

  3.a popular game children play in your country


  discribing study and working

  1.subject you have taken in zchool

  2.ideal job

  discribing environment and nature

  1.an environment problem

  2.a kind of unusual weather you have experieced




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