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  Dont say: ;My current boss is horrendous.;

  Why: Its unprofessional. Your interviewer might wonder when youd start bad-mouthing her. For all you know, she and your current boss are old pals.

  Instead say: ;Im ready for a new challenge; or a similarly positive remark.

  不要说;My current boss is horrendous.;(我现在的老板很可怕。) 这样很不职业,面试官会想你某天也会这么说她的坏话。你怎么知道她和你现在的老板是不是老朋友呢。我们可以说;Im ready for a new challenge;(我准备迎接新挑战)或者其他类似的正面评论。

  Dont say: ;Do you think Id fit in here?;

  Why: Youre the interviewee, not the interviewer.

  Instead say: ;What do you enjoy about working here?; By all means ask questions, but prepare ones that demonstrate your genuine interest in the company.

  不要问;Do you think Id fit in here?;(您觉得我适合这里吗?)你是应聘者不是面试官。可以问;What do you enjoy about working here?;(你觉得在这里工作获得了哪些乐趣?)一定要问些问题,但是要准备那些可以体现出你真的对公司感兴趣的问题。

  Dont say: ;What are the hours like?; or ;Whats the vacation policy?;

  Why: You want to be seen as someone who focuses on getting the job done.

  Instead say: ;Whats the day-to-day like here?; Then, if youve really jumped through every hoop and time off still hasnt been mentioned, say, ;Can you tell me about the compensation and benefits package?;

  不要问;What are the hours like?;(工作时间是怎样的?)或者;Whats the vacation policy?;(休假政策是怎样的?)你要让自己看上去是一个专注于完成工作的人。可以问;Whats the day-to-day like here?;(这里每天是如何进行的?)之后,如果你已经百般取悦了面试官而仍未提及休假问题,那么就可以问;Can you tell me about the compensation and benefits package?;(可以告诉我有关补偿与福利的规定吗?)

  * jump through a hoop - to do everything possible to obey or please someone 俯首帖耳,百般讨好


  Dont say: ;My current boss is horrendous.;

  Why: Its unprofessional. Your interviewer might wonder when youd start bad-mouthing her. For all you know, she and your current boss are old pals.

  Instead say: ;Im ready for a new challenge; or a similarly positive remark.

  不要说;My current boss is horrendous.;(我现在的老板很可怕。) 这样很不职业,面试官会想你某天也会这么说她的坏话。你怎么知道她和你现在的老板是不是老朋友呢。我们可以说;Im ready for a new challenge;(我准备迎接新挑战)或者其他类似的正面评论。

  Dont say: ;Do you think Id fit in here?;

  Why: Youre the interviewee, not the interviewer.

  Instead say: ;What do you enjoy about working here?; By all means ask questions, but prepare ones that demonstrate your genuine interest in the company.

  不要问;Do you think Id fit in here?;(您觉得我适合这里吗?)你是应聘者不是面试官。可以问;What do you enjoy about working here?;(你觉得在这里工作获得了哪些乐趣?)一定要问些问题,但是要准备那些可以体现出你真的对公司感兴趣的问题。

  Dont say: ;What are the hours like?; or ;Whats the vacation policy?;

  Why: You want to be seen as someone who focuses on getting the job done.

  Instead say: ;Whats the day-to-day like here?; Then, if youve really jumped through every hoop and time off still hasnt been mentioned, say, ;Can you tell me about the compensation and benefits package?;

  不要问;What are the hours like?;(工作时间是怎样的?)或者;Whats the vacation policy?;(休假政策是怎样的?)你要让自己看上去是一个专注于完成工作的人。可以问;Whats the day-to-day like here?;(这里每天是如何进行的?)之后,如果你已经百般取悦了面试官而仍未提及休假问题,那么就可以问;Can you tell me about the compensation and benefits package?;(可以告诉我有关补偿与福利的规定吗?)

  * jump through a hoop - to do everything possible to obey or please someone 俯首帖耳,百般讨好




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