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  在英语的合成词(compound words)中,合成动词(compound verbs)的数目较少,主要有下面三种类别:

  ㈠副词+动词,如 outdo, overcome, undermine, upset, cross-question, withhold, backbite 等。

  ㈡名词+动词,如 sunbathe, sidetrack, typewrite, house-hunt, browbeat, hoodwink, waylay 等。

  ㈢形容词+动词,如 whitewash, safeguard, shortlist, blackmail 等。

  这三类合成动词中,以第一种最为丰富,特别是那些由over, under, out引导的,更显得多彩多姿。

  由 over 引导的合成动词含有太多、过多的意思,如: overact, overburden, overcharge, overdo, overdress, overeat, overestimate, overpower, overpraise, overproduce, overprotect, overrule, oversleep, overspend, overstate, overstay, overwork 等。

  由 under 引导的合成动词含 有太少、不足的意思,如: undercharge, underpay, underrate, understate, undervalue, underwork 等。

  由 out 引导的合成动词则含有超过、胜过之意,如: outdo, outgrow, outlive, outnumber, outside, outrank, outshine, outstay, outstrip, outweigh, outwit 等。


  ① The food cost $3, but he was overcharged by 50 cents.

  ② Some romantic scenes in our TV shows were overdone.

  ③ Dont overstate your predicament or people will not believe you.

  ④ Some reporters understated the seriousness of the regional financial turmoil.

  ⑤ The staff of the company felt that their contribution had been undervalued.

  ⑥ Chinese swimmers outdid their opponents.

  ⑦ This type of computer has outlived its usefulness.

  ⑧ The advantages of the new salary scheme far outweigh its disadvantages.

  最后,必须注意的是:不是凡是over 就是过多、太多 ,凡是under就是太少、不足或凡是out就是超过、胜过。反之,有些合成动词根本和这几个副词的意思风马牛不相及。例如:

  ● overhear(无意中听到)

  ● overlook(俯视、疏忽、忽略)

  ● oversee(监督)

  ● overshadow(使暗然失色)

  ● overthrow(推翻)

  ● overturn(使翻覆)

  ● undergo(经历、遭受)

  ● underline(在划线、强调)

  ● undermine(破坏)

  ● underpin(加强、巩固)

  ● understand(理解)

  ● understudy(充当替手)

  ● undertake(担任、着手)

  ● outline(略述)

  ● outrage(虐待,侵害)

  ● outspread(伸展)


  在英语的合成词(compound words)中,合成动词(compound verbs)的数目较少,主要有下面三种类别:

  ㈠副词+动词,如 outdo, overcome, undermine, upset, cross-question, withhold, backbite 等。

  ㈡名词+动词,如 sunbathe, sidetrack, typewrite, house-hunt, browbeat, hoodwink, waylay 等。

  ㈢形容词+动词,如 whitewash, safeguard, shortlist, blackmail 等。

  这三类合成动词中,以第一种最为丰富,特别是那些由over, under, out引导的,更显得多彩多姿。

  由 over 引导的合成动词含有太多、过多的意思,如: overact, overburden, overcharge, overdo, overdress, overeat, overestimate, overpower, overpraise, overproduce, overprotect, overrule, oversleep, overspend, overstate, overstay, overwork 等。

  由 under 引导的合成动词含 有太少、不足的意思,如: undercharge, underpay, underrate, understate, undervalue, underwork 等。

  由 out 引导的合成动词则含有超过、胜过之意,如: outdo, outgrow, outlive, outnumber, outside, outrank, outshine, outstay, outstrip, outweigh, outwit 等。


  ① The food cost $3, but he was overcharged by 50 cents.

  ② Some romantic scenes in our TV shows were overdone.

  ③ Dont overstate your predicament or people will not believe you.

  ④ Some reporters understated the seriousness of the regional financial turmoil.

  ⑤ The staff of the company felt that their contribution had been undervalued.

  ⑥ Chinese swimmers outdid their opponents.

  ⑦ This type of computer has outlived its usefulness.

  ⑧ The advantages of the new salary scheme far outweigh its disadvantages.

  最后,必须注意的是:不是凡是over 就是过多、太多 ,凡是under就是太少、不足或凡是out就是超过、胜过。反之,有些合成动词根本和这几个副词的意思风马牛不相及。例如:

  ● overhear(无意中听到)

  ● overlook(俯视、疏忽、忽略)

  ● oversee(监督)

  ● overshadow(使暗然失色)

  ● overthrow(推翻)

  ● overturn(使翻覆)

  ● undergo(经历、遭受)

  ● underline(在划线、强调)

  ● undermine(破坏)

  ● underpin(加强、巩固)

  ● understand(理解)

  ● understudy(充当替手)

  ● undertake(担任、着手)

  ● outline(略述)

  ● outrage(虐待,侵害)

  ● outspread(伸展)




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