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  Explorer of the Extreme Deep  Alvin was launched in 1964. Since then, Alvin has worked between 200 and 250 days a year, says Daniel Fornari, a marine geologistand director of the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute at WHOI. During its lifetime, Alvin has carried some 12,000 people on a total of more than 3,000 dives.  Size-wise, the new HOV will be similar to Alvin. Itll be about 37 feet long. The setting area inside will be a small sphere, about 8 feet wide, like Alvin, itll carry a pilot and two passengers. It will be just as maneuverable. In most other ways, it will give passengers more opportunities to enjoy the view, for one thing. Alvin has only three windows, the new vehicle will have five, with more overlap so that the passengers and the pilot can see the same thing.  Alvin: 世界上第一个深海潜水器,它最有名的深海探测包括1986年对泰坦尼克号残骸的测量工作。  1.What is Alvin?  C) A submersible. D) A scientist.  A) It can carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters.  C) It was launched in the sixties of the twentieth century.  3. a world that is still full of mysteries refers to  C) The ocean. D) Mars.  A) Size. B) Speed. C) Capacity. D) Shape.  A) Offering better views. B) Speed.  题目详解:  1. 首先,请大家关注这篇出现在08年教材中的新增篇目。第一个原因是因为它所涉及的内容是我们理工类比较常考的;第二是由于单词的难度也属于C级的。做阅读的老规矩还是先看文章的标题来大致了解文章的大意:Explorer (探险者、探测器)of the Extreme(极度的、极端的) Deep(深度、深处)  接下来,一起阅读首段首句看能否了解到文章的大意:  2. 接下来,看看所给的题,通过阅读题干我们知道它们是细节题,而细节题的主要解题顺序是文章进行的顺序。因此,我们先阅读第一题:  A) A research(研究) institute(协会、学院).  C) A submersible(潜艇).  Oceans cover more than two-thirds of our planet. Yet, just a small fraction(一部分) of the underwater world has been explored. Now, Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts(美国的洲名) are building(修建、建造)an underwater vehicle(一个水下的工具) that(引导的是定语从句,所以后面句子的主语仍然是an underwater vehicle)will carry(携带、运送)explorers as deep as(asas像。。。一样) 6,500 meters .1. The new machine(新的机器), known as(被看作是) a manned(是man的合成词,载人的) submersible(潜艇;潜水器) or human-operated(由人来操控的) vehicle , will replace(动词,相当于take the place of, 意思是代替、替代) another one named(被称做,过去分词做定语) Alvin which(引导定语从句)has an amazing(令人吃惊的) record(记录) of discovery(探索、发现), playing a key role in(在。。。方面起者关键作用) various(各种各样的)  分析并得出结论:通过对该段第二、第三句话意思的了解,可以确定答案就是C。  3.Which of the following statements is NOT a fact about Alvin?  A) It can carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters.(它可以将探测者带到6500米的深处。)  C) It was launched in the sixties of the twentieth century. (它是在20世纪60年代被发射的。)  分析:这是一道标准的细节题,因此应该从文章中出现了Alvin的语句中找答案,并排除正确的,留下的便是我们要找的。首先,得回到第一段刚才读过的句子里看看:从第二句开始的意思是:科学家正在研制一艘可将研究人员带到6,500米深处的潜水装置,而它将替代 Alvin,因为 Alvin 只能潜到4,500米深处。还有一层意思:Alvin已经运行了40多年,而且在各种各样重要的和著名的海底探险中起着重要作用,与B,D的表述吻合,而答案A,就是一个错误的表述。但如果错误答案在最后呢,因此,我们仍需要对剩余的答案从文章里找到支持它们的语句。看第二段:  得出结论:第一句话就是答案C的表述。所以,最终确定答案是A。  4 a world that is still full of mysteries refers to (一个充满了神秘的世界指的是。。。)  C) The ocean.(海洋) D) Mars.(火星)  A newer(更新的), better (更好的)versions (版本)of Alvin is bound to(固定词组:一定会) reveal(揭示、显示,同义词:show) even (甚至)more(更多的)surprises (惊喜)about a world that is still full of mysteries, Fornari says. It(代词,指代A newer, better versions of Alvin) might(表推测,可能) also make the job of exploration(该词是explore的名词) a little easier(轻松、容易). We take so much for granted (这是一个值得大家记住的习语,意思是认为。。。理所当然)on land(在陆地上), Fornari says. We can walk around(四处走) and see with our eyes(用我们的眼睛) how big things are. We can see colors(色彩), special arrangements(特殊的安排).  5.看最后两题,发现题干和关键词几乎一致:都和HOV有关。  A) Size尺寸. B) Speed.速度 C) Capacity.容量 D) Shape.形状  A) Offering better views.提供更好的风景 B) Speed.  扫视一下文章最后两段可以确定答案应同时在第4段,第5段中出现:  Alvin can go up and down at a rate(以。。。的速度) of 30 meters every second(每秒), and its maximum(最大) speed is 2 knots (节), while(而) the new vehicle will be able to ascend (上升)and descend (下降)at 44 meters per second. Itll reach speeds of 3 knots, or 3.5 miles per hour.  第四段的头三个句子告诉我们,HOV 和 Alvin 在体积上和容量上相似。所以 D 是正确选择。


  Explorer of the Extreme Deep  Alvin was launched in 1964. Since then, Alvin has worked between 200 and 250 days a year, says Daniel Fornari, a marine geologistand director of the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute at WHOI. During its lifetime, Alvin has carried some 12,000 people on a total of more than 3,000 dives.  Size-wise, the new HOV will be similar to Alvin. Itll be about 37 feet long. The setting area inside will be a small sphere, about 8 feet wide, like Alvin, itll carry a pilot and two passengers. It will be just as maneuverable. In most other ways, it will give passengers more opportunities to enjoy the view, for one thing. Alvin has only three windows, the new vehicle will have five, with more overlap so that the passengers and the pilot can see the same thing.  Alvin: 世界上第一个深海潜水器,它最有名的深海探测包括1986年对泰坦尼克号残骸的测量工作。  1.What is Alvin?  C) A submersible. D) A scientist.  A) It can carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters.  C) It was launched in the sixties of the twentieth century.  3. a world that is still full of mysteries refers to  C) The ocean. D) Mars.  A) Size. B) Speed. C) Capacity. D) Shape.  A) Offering better views. B) Speed.  题目详解:  1. 首先,请大家关注这篇出现在08年教材中的新增篇目。第一个原因是因为它所涉及的内容是我们理工类比较常考的;第二是由于单词的难度也属于C级的。做阅读的老规矩还是先看文章的标题来大致了解文章的大意:Explorer (探险者、探测器)of the Extreme(极度的、极端的) Deep(深度、深处)  接下来,一起阅读首段首句看能否了解到文章的大意:  2. 接下来,看看所给的题,通过阅读题干我们知道它们是细节题,而细节题的主要解题顺序是文章进行的顺序。因此,我们先阅读第一题:  A) A research(研究) institute(协会、学院).  C) A submersible(潜艇).  Oceans cover more than two-thirds of our planet. Yet, just a small fraction(一部分) of the underwater world has been explored. Now, Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts(美国的洲名) are building(修建、建造)an underwater vehicle(一个水下的工具) that(引导的是定语从句,所以后面句子的主语仍然是an underwater vehicle)will carry(携带、运送)explorers as deep as(asas像。。。一样) 6,500 meters .1. The new machine(新的机器), known as(被看作是) a manned(是man的合成词,载人的) submersible(潜艇;潜水器) or human-operated(由人来操控的) vehicle , will replace(动词,相当于take the place of, 意思是代替、替代) another one named(被称做,过去分词做定语) Alvin which(引导定语从句)has an amazing(令人吃惊的) record(记录) of discovery(探索、发现), playing a key role in(在。。。方面起者关键作用) various(各种各样的)  分析并得出结论:通过对该段第二、第三句话意思的了解,可以确定答案就是C。  3.Which of the following statements is NOT a fact about Alvin?  A) It can carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters.(它可以将探测者带到6500米的深处。)  C) It was launched in the sixties of the twentieth century. (它是在20世纪60年代被发射的。)  分析:这是一道标准的细节题,因此应该从文章中出现了Alvin的语句中找答案,并排除正确的,留下的便是我们要找的。首先,得回到第一段刚才读过的句子里看看:从第二句开始的意思是:科学家正在研制一艘可将研究人员带到6,500米深处的潜水装置,而它将替代 Alvin,因为 Alvin 只能潜到4,500米深处。还有一层意思:Alvin已经运行了40多年,而且在各种各样重要的和著名的海底探险中起着重要作用,与B,D的表述吻合,而答案A,就是一个错误的表述。但如果错误答案在最后呢,因此,我们仍需要对剩余的答案从文章里找到支持它们的语句。看第二段:  得出结论:第一句话就是答案C的表述。所以,最终确定答案是A。  4 a world that is still full of mysteries refers to (一个充满了神秘的世界指的是。。。)  C) The ocean.(海洋) D) Mars.(火星)  A newer(更新的), better (更好的)versions (版本)of Alvin is bound to(固定词组:一定会) reveal(揭示、显示,同义词:show) even (甚至)more(更多的)surprises (惊喜)about a world that is still full of mysteries, Fornari says. It(代词,指代A newer, better versions of Alvin) might(表推测,可能) also make the job of exploration(该词是explore的名词) a little easier(轻松、容易). We take so much for granted (这是一个值得大家记住的习语,意思是认为。。。理所当然)on land(在陆地上), Fornari says. We can walk around(四处走) and see with our eyes(用我们的眼睛) how big things are. We can see colors(色彩), special arrangements(特殊的安排).  5.看最后两题,发现题干和关键词几乎一致:都和HOV有关。  A) Size尺寸. B) Speed.速度 C) Capacity.容量 D) Shape.形状  A) Offering better views.提供更好的风景 B) Speed.  扫视一下文章最后两段可以确定答案应同时在第4段,第5段中出现:  Alvin can go up and down at a rate(以。。。的速度) of 30 meters every second(每秒), and its maximum(最大) speed is 2 knots (节), while(而) the new vehicle will be able to ascend (上升)and descend (下降)at 44 meters per second. Itll reach speeds of 3 knots, or 3.5 miles per hour.  第四段的头三个句子告诉我们,HOV 和 Alvin 在体积上和容量上相似。所以 D 是正确选择。




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