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大学生毕业自我介绍英语作文 大学毕业生的自我介绍英文8篇




大学生毕业自我介绍英语作文 大学毕业生的自我介绍英文篇一

i noticed your advertisement for automotive sales and marketing assistant in the june 14th edition of the dover star,and have submitted my resume for your consideration.

you mentioned in the advertisement that the successful candidate must have:

1) a bachelor of arts degree i do.

2) excellent communications skills i do.

3) ability to work well with people at all levels i do.

4) eagerness to learn and "pay my dues" i am and i will.

this is a job that i believe was made for me. i am familiar with your operation, as i am originally from this area. i an available immediately, and offer you competence, dedication, and a good work ethic if you don't mind, i will call you next week to see if a personal interview can be scheduled.

thank you for your consideration and i look forward to speaking with you next week.

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大学生毕业自我介绍英语作文 大学毕业生的自我介绍英文篇三



本人自入学以来,一直遵守学校的各项规章制度,具有良好的思想道 德品质,各方面表现优秀。有强烈的集体荣誉感和工作责任心,坚持实事求事的原则。 本人思想端正,能吃苦耐劳,有崇高的理想和伟大的目标,注重个人道德修养,养成良好的生活作风,乐于助人,关心国家大事。




大学生毕业自我介绍英语作文 大学毕业生的自我介绍英文篇四

arrayed on the field, as you can see, are the members…many members of house college! and house arts and sciences! all of you…all of you to my left form the northern alliance.

we have two sides, and spoiler alert: we’re going to do battle. but instead of a battle with spears, this will be a battle of cheers.

whoops! who left a starbucks cup here? not supposed to be here! oh well, oh well…. we’ll figure that out later.

i’m…i’m going to call on each of your alliances in turn. when i do, you need to make…i hate to ask, i know how hard it is, but you need to make the most noise you can. the side that cheers the loudest wins! okay? ready?

okay, let’s hear it from the southern alliance!

impressive! impressive! okay, now let’s hear it from the northern alliance! alright! also …also impressive!

both sides gave it your very best shot. now it falls to me….

but i will not call a winner. instead, instead, i ask you to consider this a window into the human heart.

listen up. here we are, proud members of the penn community – this beloved community. yet, when called upon, how readily we spanide to do battle for our side.

game of thrones became a global phenomenon for many reasons. we obsess over the characters. we love the dragons and the drama. but its deepest attraction is allegorical.

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we live in an era of accelerating change where often as a society and as inspaniduals we seem to be struggling to keep up.

graduation is all about change. and at michigan that means it’s not only about the change in you, it’s about the changes you will contribute to in society.

in the fall of 20xx, when many of you started as undergraduates here at michigan, our world was a different place.

me too was not yet a hashtag. the event horizon of a black hole had never been imaged. and midterm voter turnout on university campuses across the country was just 19 percent.

each of these examples, in their own way, demonstrates the often long and difficult path to change.

the me too movement was founded in 20xx by activist and sexual assault survivor tarana burke. burke wanted to provide a place for survivors to tell their stories, for empathy, and for healing.

she spent more than a decade persevering and advocating on the behalf of those whose stories are marginalized, or not told at all. then the idea she started went viral, transforming into global conversation and, we must hope, change.

the image of the black hole event horizon presented last month required two years of computer analysis, data from 8 observatories on three continents, and a team of 200 scientists, which included 20xx u-m electrical engineering graduate katie bouman.

we have now seen what had previously been described as un-seeable, and pushed the frontiers of knowledge to the darkest regions of the universe.

and during the 20xx midterm election, tufts university reports that youth turnout increased in every state for which they have data. in 27 states, it rose by double digits.

plus, precincts that serve big ten campuses saw their turnout increase by an average of 24 percentage points. this is more than double the increase in nearby areas, indicating that students made their voice heard. higher turnout was a goal of the big ten voting challenge. well done!

choosing to commit to the work needed to make change, and see it through, can produce amazing results – but it can also frustrate.

change doesn’t happen in a straight line. it’s messy. it can take years, or even decades.

but when it is founded on principled dedication, collaboration, and hope – all the ingredients are in place.

our campus has wonderful examples.

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几天之后,我们都将离开这个熟悉的校园,或参加工作,或继续升本深造。但不论我们身在何方,我们都不要忘了曾经结下的友情,不要忘了老师的言传身教,不要忘了我们的 梦想。让时间作证,承载着梦想的我们一定会更加勇敢、坚强、成熟地面对未来!我们一定会做拥有智慧并富有激情的人,胸怀大志并脚踏实地的人,德才兼备并勇于创新的人,富有责任并敢挑重担的人!



大学生毕业自我介绍英语作文 大学毕业生的自我介绍英文篇七

in the walls of ice, in the thrones of iron, we see a mirror for our times.

we recognize our own world, where too many live for their tribe alone. where too often, we listen only to those who think, look, and believe as we do.

where the game seems rigged against open and free exploration. we hear too few dissenting voices, and we consider too few conflicting views. but remember: none of this is inevitable.

we can glorify our own tribe to the exclusion of others. we can build up our walls, and we can cast down those who are different.

or we can better use the strength in our hearts and the power in our hands.

our many identities and beliefs: we make these our threads. our spanerse backgrounds and goals: they become our loom.

from this world of differences, we can weave a tapestry of communities.

weaving…yeah…weaving is hard work, especially when we interlace many into one. our identities may clash. our beliefs spanerge. we disagree over where we want to go. we argue about the best way to get there.

but when – together – we embrace the challenge, the cloth of human understanding grows more resilient. we craft something stronger by far…by far than iron thrones and walls of ice.

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