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四年级英语作文 篇1 I have a good sister She has short hair, small eyes, big ears and a big nose Shes quiet and cute She speaks Chinese well She likes music and painting Can you guess whats her name四年级英语作文? 我。

四年级英语作文 篇1 I have a dog Its name is Doggy I like it Doggy has two big eyes, two small ears, a big nose and a small mouth It’s black and white It has a short tail It’s cute and lovely。

四年级英语作文 篇1 My English name is sally I‘m from China I‘m Chinese I always wear green and white shirt and blue trousers I have big eyes,small mouth and a small nose My favorite sports are tennis。

四年级英语作文1 At a quarter to seven,I get upA few minute later,my parents and I are sitting at the table and having breakfastAt half past seven,I go to schoolAt eight oclockWe begin our c。

四年级英语作文1 星期天,我做完作业,爷爷突然对我说“樱樱,你帮我把二十六个英文字母写在白纸上”我心想我都四年级四年级英语作文了,还抽查我二十六个字母啊? 爷爷又说“字母要写得大,两行之间要有空隙四年级英语作文!”我疑惑地问“为什么?这是浪费纸。

四年级英语作文1 早上,奶奶看见我叽里呱啦摇头晃脑地背英语,她就冷不丁地冒出一句“一大早念什么经啊,老师教的吗?” 我也打算逗她老人家一下“是啊,老师教的”“老师教你一大早念经作啥呀?”我听了不禁暗暗一笑,说“。

小学四年级英语作文1 When I grow up, Igoing to do what I want to do Igoing to move somewhere interesting Paris sounds like a city that I could that enjoy There are lots of art。

四年级英语作文1 Hi, my name is Cindy I have a good father I like him very much My father is a policeman He is tall and strong He looks very cool in the black police uniform He works in the police st。

四年级英语作文1 12月份是我们新世纪学校一年一度的英语节,我非常喜欢英语节这一年,我学到了很多有关英语的单词句子问候语我感到学英语是一件多么令人高兴,快乐的事我学过的单词有很多,有关于食物,家具。

那要怎么写好作文呢下面是我整理的小学四年级英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏小学四年级英语作文1 My grandfather is a famous professorHe is over sixty now, but he is in good health, and his hair is still。

在现实生活或工作学习中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是我精心整理的四年级英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏 四年级。

有关小学四年级英语作文500字五篇 在平凡的学习工作生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢下面是我为大家整理的小学四年级英语作文500字5篇,欢迎。

1小学四年级英语作文范文 Both my father and my mother are doctors When I grow up, I want to be a doctor, too It’s a great job, I think it is impossible to be a good doctor without hard work。

小学四年级英语作文范文篇一 As a child, when people give me the things to play or eat, I will be very happy and then accept them But recently, as there are so much news about the children being cheat。

四年级英语作文50字篇一 I love my bedroom I have a bedroom It is not big , but it is nice There is a bed in my bedroom A yellow dog is on the bed Every night,I sleep with it Next。



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