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5 初一下册英语12个单元的作文60词以上 一初一下册作文,IloveReadingIreallyenjoyreadingIlikereadingallkindofbooks, *** solearn初一下册作文;In winer holiday,that Saturday afternoon is snowing and is very cold People stay at homeBobfamily no exception,tooThay are doing different thingsBob is doing his homework,his sister Sarah is watching;经典作文选 作文类型一某人度过的一天 考查概率90%写作要求介绍自己如何度过一个繁忙快乐的周末,例如初一下册作文你早上中午下午各做了哪些事情,要求用一般过去时描述注意下面有三种类似的范文,里的内容可以。

School Life Our school life is very beautifulOur school life is colourfulThere is a garden in our schoolIn spring,there are many flowers in the playgroundWe like studying in the library because it is;初一期末考试作文 例文 初一上期末考试作文期末考试的这篇作文更糟糕,因错别字竟扣去了2分,50分的作文,只得了38分 想了想,还是发在博客上,反正自己只有这个水平,博友们别见笑 快乐的滋味每天清晨比爸爸妈妈起得还早,奔往;很高兴为你服务 school life of my friend I have a friend called Billy Herrington Now I talk about my friendschool lifeIn the morning ,He often goes to school on foot And He go to school often;1Dear friend,My name is SallyI am from ChinaI want a pen pal in AustraliaI am 14 years oldI have no brothers or sisters in my familyMy favorite subject in school is science,because I think。

1Hello,boys and girls! whatyour favorite club? Art,music,or math?Well,my favorite club is mathWhy?Haha,some students donlike math,because it is very difficultBut I think math is very。



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