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由简到难myfavourite英语作文,单词数由少变多,字数都在80以上,希望帮到大家哦~一英语作文I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but quotHarry Porterquot is my favorite one the storymyfavourite英语作文;my favorite sportMy favourite sport is basketball because it is an exciting game and I feel relaxed after playing itBesides that,the real reason why I like basketball is that I like stars。

1 初一英语作文my favorite My favorite day My favorite day is Friday On that day, we have puter class I like puter class very much In puter class, I can learn to type Iteasy to learn to;Let me tell youMy favourite season is springSpring is a lovely season,I thinkThere is a garden behind my houseIn spring,the trees bee green and the flowers give off fragrance芳香There are many。

写作思路把自己对于自己爱好方面myfavourite英语作文的介绍写下来,比如我喜欢什么Id like to tell you something about my hobbies I like pop music, because it is exciting and makes me relaxed I also enjoy watching TV programs;My Favourite Season My favourite season is autumn It is a harvest season Farmers are all busy getting in the crops There are lots of different fruits in the season, such as apples, oranges, bananas and。


如下My favourite sport is basketball我最喜欢myfavourite英语作文的运动是篮球I love playing basketball with my friends during my free time because it is really fun我喜欢打篮球和我的朋友在我的空闲时间,因为它很有趣I get。

My favourite animal英语作文 一My favourite animal are elephants,because I think they are so prowful and most of them live in south and southeast also can see them on TV or in the have long noses,big。

my favourite app英语作文提问你好,Nowdays,there many apps on our smartphone,them help us to deal with the problem we met in daily lifeTake myself as an examplemy fovorite app is baidizhidaoWhen I。

My favourite player is Yi JianlianYi Jianlian is a good basketballerHe was born in Heshan,GuangdongHe is 212 meters tall and 113 kilosHe is taller than many people,and he is handsome and kindHe。

The Spring Festival, the Chinese new year, is the most important festival for all春节,中国的新年,是所有人最重要的节日On New YearEve, all family members get together for a big meal除夕之夜,所有。


My favourite colour My favourite colour is yellow,I like yellow,Bananas is yellow,I like bananasMy favourite colour is red,I like red,apples is red,I like applesMy favourite colour is blue,I like blue。

Hello, everyone! My favourite colour is red My favourite clothes is Tshirt My favourite food is rice Rice is okay My favourite fruit is apple My favourite drink is coffee My favourite dessert is。

My favourite story I know many interesting stories from books My favourite story is about the tortoise and the hare One day, a hare and a tortoise had a raceThe hare was sure he would win, so he。

英语作文My Favourite Animal 带翻译 熊猫是我国的国宝,是很多人都非常喜爱的动物下面是我整理的一些关于写最喜欢的动物的英语作文,欢迎阅读!My Favourite Animal 熊猫 If you ask me what my favourite animalI can。



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