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Close your eyes, everything is dancing in a quiet, illusion of different colors, silently integrating it; open your eyes, everything is running wildly in laughter, changing the charm of infinite, in passion, and burn. My hometown is the traveler of the soul, and its painting is refreshing. In the past few years, she made her own unique, alone. With the efforts of recent years, she slowly changed, and became a unique landscape of Zhangqiu. People gradually accept her. When they have been huge entertainment, they will be invited by her, spend with her.

Her beauty is different from the spectacular in Taishan, the reputation of West Lake, famous Guilin. She is in nature. The mountain is a wave of upset, a connected, imitation is a road to Wonderland, bringing people into the world of fantasy. Water looks a piece, it is actually connected in series by a detailed pipeline, but the surface appears quiet. Said water, it is also the old spring in the West. The water has been flowing down from the mountain, no one's magazine. The sound of咚, write a wonderful movement, flow into the people's atrium, remitting the world of dreams. Old Spring is white and blue, white, is the most simple color; blue, is a transformation that is in response to the surroundings. Hold a springs, gently put it on a bite, get a mouth not only sweet, but also with a silk, like the front paste, the entrance is instant. When the mountains and water connects, everything has become such a fantasy, even if Ma Liang is alive, it is impossible to paint this. Standing quietly in the top of the mountain, the whole village is reflected in the eye, everything is as good as the three-dimensional painting, can't use the painting pen, just because there is no way. When the sun is on the sun, everything looks at the sun in the sun. Everything is moving, and it is better than it. Her beauty did not shock the ghosts, but they went at a glance, but they could not erase from my mind.

This is the beauty that is unable to say and heart. The hometown is picturesque, concentrated, can't be cut; the hometown is like a poison, the deep is shallow, and voluntarily immersed. The hometown of the hometown, you are my forever dream, I will float you, I'm calm.



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