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  7.Developing countries should adopt labour-intensive technologies to ____ their comparative advantage of abundant labour.

  A.use B.exploit C.employ D.explore

  8.The sudden demise of Britains oldest investment bank ____ global markets.

  A.vibrated B.swung C.trembled D.jolted

  9.The tests show the earlier in life a person hears a sound the longer it is ____.

  A.retained B.preserved C.remained D.reserved

  10.The researchers test college students ____ to foreign speech before their second birthday but not since.

  A.disclosed B.exposed C.exhibited D.revealed

  11.The government has provided the capital library with heavy ____ to keep it one of the largest in the world.

  A.subscriptions B.tips C.subsidies D.bonuses

  12.The doctor took his temperature,it was two degrees above ____.

  A.ordinary B.average C.regular D.normal

  答案:B D A B C D

  7. exploit开发,利用 explore调查,研究

  8. vibrated使振动 swung摆动,转变 trembled发抖,担忧 jolted使慌乱,震惊

  9. retained保留,保持 preserved保护,保存 remained剩下,仍是 reserved储备,预定

  10. disclosed泄露,揭发 revealed展现,揭示

  11.subscription署名,订购,捐助 subsidies特殊津贴,财政援助 bonuses奖金,红利


  7.Developing countries should adopt labour-intensive technologies to ____ their comparative advantage of abundant labour.

  A.use B.exploit C.employ D.explore

  8.The sudden demise of Britains oldest investment bank ____ global markets.

  A.vibrated B.swung C.trembled D.jolted

  9.The tests show the earlier in life a person hears a sound the longer it is ____.

  A.retained B.preserved C.remained D.reserved

  10.The researchers test college students ____ to foreign speech before their second birthday but not since.

  A.disclosed B.exposed C.exhibited D.revealed

  11.The government has provided the capital library with heavy ____ to keep it one of the largest in the world.

  A.subscriptions B.tips C.subsidies D.bonuses

  12.The doctor took his temperature,it was two degrees above ____.

  A.ordinary B.average C.regular D.normal

  答案:B D A B C D

  7. exploit开发,利用 explore调查,研究

  8. vibrated使振动 swung摆动,转变 trembled发抖,担忧 jolted使慌乱,震惊

  9. retained保留,保持 preserved保护,保存 remained剩下,仍是 reserved储备,预定

  10. disclosed泄露,揭发 revealed展现,揭示

  11.subscription署名,订购,捐助 subsidies特殊津贴,财政援助 bonuses奖金,红利




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