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  1.It is, in my______opinion, perhaps the best steak restaurant in Great Britain.





  2.This has tested our marriage, and we have______it stronger than ever.

  A.Come through

  B.Looked into

  C.Made over

  D.Seen to

  3.His______attempts to complain to his superior were blocked and ignored.





  4.He could tell ______what was wrong with the car.

  A.On view

  B.At a glance

  C.On the scene

  D.In sight

  5.He has______himself to his work and become just a writing machine.





  Answers: DABBA

  1. 【D】gentle: mild; kind; careful; not rough, violent or severe

  Subtle: not easy to detect or describe; fine; delicate

  feeble: weak; faint

  humble: having or showing a low or modest opinion of ones own importance; not proud

  in my humble opinion:spoken used humorously to give your opinion about something

  2. 【A】come through: To come through a dangerous or difficult situation means to survive it and recover from it.

  Look into: If a person or organization is looking into a possible course of action, a problem, or a situation, they are finding out about it and examining the facts relating to it.

  Make over: If you make something over to someone, you legally transfer the ownership of it to them.

  See to: If you see to something that needs attention, you deal with it.

  3. 【B】proficient: doing or able to do sth in a skilled or an expert way because of training and practice

  Persistent: determined to do sth in spite of difficulties, especially when other people are against you and think that you are being annoying or unreasonable

  Consistent: always keeping to the same pattern or style; unchanging

  Sufficient: enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need

  4. 【B】on view: 陈列着,展览着;

  At a glance: 看一眼,一眼就

  On the scene: 在场

  In sight: 看得见

  5. 【A】dedicate: ~ oneself/sth to sth give or devote to

  Dictate: ~ sth state or order sth with the force of authority

  Decorate: make sth beautiful by adding ornaments to it

  Direct: tell or show sb how to get somewhere


  1.It is, in my______opinion, perhaps the best steak restaurant in Great Britain.





  2.This has tested our marriage, and we have______it stronger than ever.

  A.Come through

  B.Looked into

  C.Made over

  D.Seen to

  3.His______attempts to complain to his superior were blocked and ignored.





  4.He could tell ______what was wrong with the car.

  A.On view

  B.At a glance

  C.On the scene

  D.In sight

  5.He has______himself to his work and become just a writing machine.





  Answers: DABBA

  1. 【D】gentle: mild; kind; careful; not rough, violent or severe

  Subtle: not easy to detect or describe; fine; delicate

  feeble: weak; faint

  humble: having or showing a low or modest opinion of ones own importance; not proud

  in my humble opinion:spoken used humorously to give your opinion about something

  2. 【A】come through: To come through a dangerous or difficult situation means to survive it and recover from it.

  Look into: If a person or organization is looking into a possible course of action, a problem, or a situation, they are finding out about it and examining the facts relating to it.

  Make over: If you make something over to someone, you legally transfer the ownership of it to them.

  See to: If you see to something that needs attention, you deal with it.

  3. 【B】proficient: doing or able to do sth in a skilled or an expert way because of training and practice

  Persistent: determined to do sth in spite of difficulties, especially when other people are against you and think that you are being annoying or unreasonable

  Consistent: always keeping to the same pattern or style; unchanging

  Sufficient: enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need

  4. 【B】on view: 陈列着,展览着;

  At a glance: 看一眼,一眼就

  On the scene: 在场

  In sight: 看得见

  5. 【A】dedicate: ~ oneself/sth to sth give or devote to

  Dictate: ~ sth state or order sth with the force of authority

  Decorate: make sth beautiful by adding ornaments to it

  Direct: tell or show sb how to get somewhere




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