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The [iə] diphthong. Ive seen some sources that leave this out altogether. Its always followed by an R consonant, and these sources dont see the schwa as really having its own sound, as in the ih-uh diphthong. And I say, I admit, I agree with that. Im putting in here though, because a lot of other sources use it as a separate diphthong: ih to uh -- schwa. Now, the first sound, ih. With many diphthongs, I find that the ih vowel, its written as an open ih as in sit, actually in the practice of the diphthong takes on a different color. I find it to be a lot closer to the ee as in she, though the tongue is not so far forward. I would think of the first sound of this diphthong more as a relaxed ee than as a pure ih as in sit. The second sound then is the schwa, and that sound is very quick as you are already moving into the R of the consonant that follows. So in slow motion, the sound, with the R, as it is always followed by the R, would be: iiiiihhhhhh uuuuuhhhhhh rrrrrrr: here.


对于第一个音[i],很多双元音中,[i]这个元音写作短音,就像sit中的[i],但是真的念起来的时候并非如此,它更接近于she中的[i:],虽然舌头的位置不像发[i:]时那么靠前。其实这里的这个[i]音更像一个放松发出的[i:]而不是纯粹的sit中的[i]。第二个音便是[ə],它出现得非常之快,刚发出你就进入到后面的R音了。如果我们用慢动作来念就是这样:iiiiihhhhhh uuuuuhhhhhh rrrrrrr。

Sample words:

sheer 全然,十足

steer 驾驶,掌舵

near 靠近

Sample sentence:

I fear my career is near its end. 我感觉到自己的职业生涯就快结束了。


Video Text:

The [iə] diphthong. Ive seen some sources that leave this out altogether. Its always followed by an R consonant, and these sources dont see the schwa as really having its own sound, as in the ih-uh diphthong. And I say, I admit, I agree with that. Im putting in here though, because a lot of other sources use it as a separate diphthong: ih to uh -- schwa. Now, the first sound, ih. With many diphthongs, I find that the ih vowel, its written as an open ih as in sit, actually in the practice of the diphthong takes on a different color. I find it to be a lot closer to the ee as in she, though the tongue is not so far forward. I would think of the first sound of this diphthong more as a relaxed ee than as a pure ih as in sit. The second sound then is the schwa, and that sound is very quick as you are already moving into the R of the consonant that follows. So in slow motion, the sound, with the R, as it is always followed by the R, would be: iiiiihhhhhh uuuuuhhhhhh rrrrrrr: here.


对于第一个音[i],很多双元音中,[i]这个元音写作短音,就像sit中的[i],但是真的念起来的时候并非如此,它更接近于she中的[i:],虽然舌头的位置不像发[i:]时那么靠前。其实这里的这个[i]音更像一个放松发出的[i:]而不是纯粹的sit中的[i]。第二个音便是[ə],它出现得非常之快,刚发出你就进入到后面的R音了。如果我们用慢动作来念就是这样:iiiiihhhhhh uuuuuhhhhhh rrrrrrr。

Sample words:

sheer 全然,十足

steer 驾驶,掌舵

near 靠近

Sample sentence:

I fear my career is near its end. 我感觉到自己的职业生涯就快结束了。




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