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Went up a year this evening!

I recollect it well!

Amid no bells nor bravoes

The bystanders will tell!

Cheerful -- as to the village --

Tranquil -- as to repose --

Chastened -- as to the Chapel

This humble Tourist rose!

Did not talk of returning!

Alluded to no time

When, were the gales propitious --

We might look for him!

Was grateful for the Roses

In lifes diverse bouquet --

Talked softly of new species

To pick another day;

Beguiling thus the wonder

The wondrous nearer drew --

Hands bustled at the moorings --

The crown respectful grew --

Ascended from our vision

To Countenances new!

A Difference -- A Daisy --

Is all the rest I knew!



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