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  天一大联考 2024—2024学年高中毕业班阶段性测试(三)








  例:How much is the shirt?


  B.£9.18. C.£9.15.


  1. What will they probably do?

  A. Have a break, B. Go on working. C. Have a cup of tea.

  2. What does the man advise the woman to do?

  A. Write a better application.

  B. Find a well-paid job.

  C. Hand in the application earlier.

  3. Why did the woman stay in the office for a long time?

  A. To finish her task.

  B. To give out new assignments.

  C. To make preparations.

  4. How did the man break his leg?

  A. He hit another car while driving.

  B. He had an accident while skating.

  C. He injured himself while swimming.

  5. What is the woman going to do?

  A. Correct her errors.

  B. Make a good impression.

  C. Read through the paper again.


  听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读 各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。


  6. According to the man, what stopped him walking to the office?

  A. An accident in his leg.

  B. Being scolded by his manager.

  C. Being late for work every day.

  7. What does the woman think of the man?

  A. He is very absent-minded.

  B. He is too lazy.

  C. He always gives up halfway.


  8. Why did the woman fail to find the repair shop?

  A. She was not careful enough.

  B. She misunderstood the message.

  C. She was given the wrong directions.

  9. Why does the man recommend the repairmen to the woman?

  A. They live near the woman * s house.

  B. They charge reasonably and do a good job.

  C. They are easy to find.


  10. How much will it cost per person for the riverboat Irip in total?


  B. $120. C. $100.

  11. Why do they give up horse-riding?

  A.It is a bit dangerous. B. It is a little expensive. C. It b too boring.

  12.How much will they pay to rent a bike except the deposit?

  A. $100. B. $70. C. $30.


  13. How long does the festival last?

  A. Five nights. B. Four nights. C. Seven nights.

  14. Who chooses the film for the festival?

  A. The organization committee.

  B. The Students’ Union.

  C. The host university.

  15. What kind of film^ did the woman like last year?

  A. Comedies. B. Video interviews. C. Romantic films.

  16. How much does a ticket cost for their own students?

  A. Twenty yuan. B. Fifteen yuan. C. Ten yuan.


  17. What should we always consider when sailing?

  A. Reacting quickly. B. Being strong enough. C. Having similar experience.

  18. What should we do if the wind is coming from the side?

  A. Have the sail down.

  B. Have lull sail all the way.

  C. Let the sail half way out.

  19. What might happen if the wind blows from behind?

  A. Sailing becomes easy.

  B. You can't go a straight line.

  C. The boat might stop.

  20. What does the speaker mainly talk about?

  A. Sailing is an important event,

  B. How to control yourself in the boat.

  C. Basic sailing rules about wind directions.





  When they weren' t serving as politicians, writing works of literature or staning in

  Hollywood movies,many historical figures also found time to create something useful.

  Abraham Lincoln

  Abraham Lincoln is the only president to hold a U. S. patent. In 1849, he designed a device(装置〉that cofild be attached to the aides of a boat and used to lift the boat over shallow sections of a river. Lincoln even built a wooden model,but while he received his patent, the invention was never put into use.

  Albert Einstein

  In 1926, Einsiein was inspired to design a refrigerator after reading a news stoiy about a Berlin family who had been killed by poisonous gas leaking from iheir fridge. Einstein received a patent for the fridge in 1930 and recent research suggests that similar coolers might be an eco-friendly alternative to modern refrigerators that use Freon(氟利昂).

  Roald Dahl

  Though many people know that he was a famous author of children,s books such as uCharlie and the Chocolate Factory”,Roald Dahl lived a varied life. His interest in medicine came after a car accident which left his son with “water on the brain”. He helped to develop a device to ease his child’s suffering. The device was put into production in 1962 and was later used to treat some 3,000 children worldwide.

  Hed Lamarr

  Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler一better known by her stage name Hedy Laman一became famous for starring in Hollywood films. In the 1940s,she pioneered a new method of a technique for disguising radio transmissions. Other inventors later expanded on her groundbreaking ideas, and similar systems to her “Secret Communications System” are used in everything from communications satellites to mobile phones.

  21. How was Abraham Lincoln different from the other three?

  A. He was very famous.

  B. He was a man of wide interests.

  C. His invention didn't apparently benefit people.

  D. He was the only one to hold a patent.

  22. Why did medicine become appealing to Roald Dahl?

  A. He wanted to help his child.

  B. He lost interest in writing.

  C. Medicine became more popular.

  D. He needed money to cure his child.

  23.Who made a great contribution to communications technology?

  A.Abraham Lincoln.

  B. Hedy Lamarr.

  C.Roald Dahl

  D. Albert Einstein

  24.What do the characters in the text have

  in common?

  A.Hiey were devoted to public health.

  B. They were ignored in their time.

  C. They had environmental awareness.

  D. They were all creative.


  The day of the end-of-semester parly in my son's fifth grade class was approaching. While the other kids seemed thrilled about celebrating their accomplishments by playing games and sharing treats, Jeremy hated the very idea of the gathering.

  As he checked off the days leading up to the party,I noticed the way I had adopted to help my quiet child prepare for social events backfired : the rising number of checkmarks felt more like a drum beating louder and louder than a nice way to get into the party groove (状态)

  In order not to

  raise the pressure too high, I decided to contribute something that was easy to purchase—fruit.

  That big day came. On the way to school,I reminded Jeremy to make a purchase of some grapes. He chose the ripest bunch of red grapes, but insisted none of his classmates ever be able to detect he had something to bring to the party.

  Then as planned at the school gate I said a quick goodbye and ran to inform his teacher about the red grapes in his backpack and managed to be out of the classroom before 1 could be spied by my son.

  As I entered my own classroom a few minutes later, I set aside my worries and proceeded (继续)with my regular morning check-ins. Yet this time,I was more intentional() about taking extra time to help all of my students participate. Over time, I designed lots of techniques to make my quiet students feel more comfortable about sharing thoughts and opinions with others.

  So, what happened to Jeremy on that day? His caring teacher performed magic in class. An unusually specific question: “Does anyone have any grapes? ” encouraged Jeremy to take out the fruit. Because of the support he received, he remembers that day with pride for his courage, rather than regret for his inaction.

  25.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word“backfired” in Paragraph 2?

  A. Worked. B. Disappeared. C. Survived. D. Failed.

  26. What can we know about Jeremy?

  A.He is a selfish child.

  B. He likes to eat grapes.

  C.He is inactive in activities. D. Ho studies magic in class.

  27. What lesson did the author learn by helping her own child?

  A. Sharing can help reduce nervousness.

  B. Quiet children can be as active as anyone else.

  C. Teachers should try their best to help each student.

  D. More should be done to improve teachers' ability.


  Dog owners feeling guilty for leaving their pets alone at home for too long will soon be able lo lake comfort in the fact that at least the animals won 't be bored. They'll be too busy changing TV channels and enjoying their favorite shows thanks to the world's fust dog-friendly remote control.

  UK-based pet food brand Wagg surveyed a number of pet owners and found that 91% of respondents said their dog friends regularly watched TV with them. Inspired by this interesting finding, the company teamed up with Hyena Hirskyj-Douglas, an expert in animal computer interaction design, to create the world’s first remote control for dogs. They came up with a prototype(样品)which is currently in a trial and analysis period.

  The oversized remote is made of hard-"wearing pldstic. So while dogs can chew on ii like any other toy, lhey’11 have a tough time actually causing any damage. It has three large, raised,paw-friendly buttons shaped like a bone, paw ()and ball which dogs can press to turn the TV on or off, change the channel and even “pause” a show for later viewing. The remote also has a hole through which a rope can be lied so dogs can carry it around the house.

  “ Our studies shows the average dog now watches more than nine hours of TV a week, showing technology is already playing a huge part in our pets’ lives,” Hyena Hirskyj-Douglas said.

  After Wagg performs all its tests and perfects the dog-friendly TV remote control, the

  company plans to approach tech companies about getting the device into production. So you

  and your pet dog may soon be fighting over control of your TV set.

  28.What made Wagg think of inventing the dog-friendly remote control?

  A. Dogs like chewing plastic remote controls.

  B. Dogs often watch TV with their owners.

  C. Dogs have difficulty using the current remote control.

  D. Dog owners complain dogs bite their remote controls.

  29. What can we learn about the dog-friendly remote control?

  A. It doesn't need charging.

  B.It is large but very light.

  C. It is in the shape of a bone.

  D. It can last a long time.

  30. Which statement might Hyena Hirskyj-Douglas agree with?

  A. It’s time for owners to control dogs* watching TV.

  B. Technology has already come into do炉 ’ life.

  C. Dogs have a closer relationship with their owners than before.

  D. Dogs can't live well without this dog-friendly remote control.

  31. What might be dog owners’ attitude toward this dog-friendly remote control?

  A.Supportive. B. Doubtful. C. Opposed. D. Worried.


  Every year, hundreds of millions of Monarch Butterflies(黑脉金斑蝶〉froru Canada and the United States journey as far as 2,500 miles to the forests of Michoacan, Mexico ? a place which has the world’s largest insect migration(迁移) It’s such a breathtaking eight, but as always,human greed is threatening to destroy it.

  e Monarch Butterflies start to arrive in Michoacan in late October to make their Home in the trees high up in the mountains of the natural reserve. Once there, they gather together in large masses. These masses often become so heavy that they cause tree branches to bend or even break. But there's a purpose of all these massing一it allows the butterflies to survive in the low nighttime temperatures at these high altitudes.

  The Michoacan Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary is most impressive during the months of Febniary and March,just before the winged insects begin Iheir long journey home.

  Mexico's Butterfly Forest is a shelter protected by law, and one of the country's most popular 3ights, but that hasn’t stopped people from slowly but steadily destroying it.

  Illegal woodcutting in the heart of the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve has been a longstanding problem, but criminals are rarely brought to justice. They are often set free after paying some money.

  Just last month, an even greater threat rose in Michoacan' s butterfly home. The

  country s largest mining corporation gained the right to reopen an old mine in the heart of the monarch

  reserve. Experts believe that if the mine is reopened, it will likely spel) the end of this magical place.

  And as if all this wasn't bad enough, the increasing use of herbicides (除草剂)in the American com belt has led to the decrease of a plant which is essential to the monarchs’ development from egg into butterfly.

  Why do Monarch Butterflies gather together in large masses?

  A. To keep warm.

  B. To fight for food.

  C. To protect young butterflies.

  D. To frighten away the enemy,

  33. How long will the butterflies stay in Mexico?

  A. About two months.

  B. About three months.

  C. About seven months.

  D. About five months.

  34. What can we infer about the butterflies protection law in Mexico?

  A. It has been strictly carried out.

  B. It is only paid a little attention to.

  C. It was declared too late.

  D. It is unfair to people dependant on woodcutting.

  34. What can be the best title for the text?

  A. A Popular Place for Seeing Butterflies



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