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2024高考英语一轮复习方略 素能提升演练必修4 Unit11(北师大版)




  必修Unit 11

  Ⅰ. 选词填空employment, affair, scene, approach, defend, advertise, environmental, respect, conclude, application

  1. China has shown its determination that it will play an important role in dealing with more international _______ .

  2. Picture a setting that is calm and peaceful. This could be a beach, a mountain, a meadow, or a ______ that you choose.

  3. I was unsure how much of this _______ to learning I should allow in the class.

  4. The P. L. A. men _______ our great motherland day and night.

  5. A satisfied customer is the best _______ that we hope to have.

  6. We should spare no effort to beautify our _______ .

  7. Highly _______ doctors passed on their knowledge to the school students.

  8. He reasoned out the _______ according to the theory.

  9. Three months passed but nobody took him into _______ . His money was going to run out.

  10. Jack gives his _______ letter to the Music Club.

  Ⅱ. 单项填空

  1. The traditional approach _______ with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.

  A. to dealing B. in dealing

  C. dealing

  D. to deal

  2. Some advertisements _______ pictures or words of experts to show people how good the products are.

  A.are consisted ofB.are made of

  C.consist ofD.are made up

  3. Modern advertisements must _______ in a world full of competition by combining the highest standards of design with ideas linked to the products to make them more attractive.

  A. stand forB. stand out

  C. stand by

  D. stand on

  4. —How do you find the new job?

  —It’s hard to find _______ work so that I hardly care what it is _______ I can make a living.

  A.satisfied; as long as B.satisfied; as far as

  C.satisfying; as long as D.satisfying; as far as

  5. [2024福州模拟]It has been demanded that the land _______ equally among the farmers.

  A. is sharedB. should share

  C. be sharedD. will be shared

  6. The work in the office was _______ by a constant stream of visitors.

  A. confused

  B. interrupted

  C. confusing

  D. prevented

  7. [2024泉州模拟]I think he will surely give _______ your composition if you ask him to.

  A. comments on

  B. attention on

  C. appeal to

  D. solution to

  8. My daughter loves writing and has _______ many articles to her school edition—the Sun Breeze—and even the local newspaper.

  A. printed

  B. written

  C. contributed

  D. published

  9. [2024厦门模拟]When his father came in, the boy pretended _______ aloud.

  A. to readB. to have read

  C. to be reading

  D. reading

  10. [2024双鸭山模拟]Eventually, the President had to leave office _______ public pressure in order to ease the tension of the situation.

  A. in favor ofB. in response to

  C. in return for

  D. in honor of

  11. From facts, scientists have _______ that more energy is being absorbed from the sun, throwing the earth’s energy out of balance.

  A. confirmed

  B. concluded

  C. concentrated

  D. centred

  12. If you are found _______ in the schoolyard, you _______ by the teachers.

  A. smoking; are blamed

  B. smoke; are punished

  C. smoking; are to blame

  D. smoking; are to punish

  13. _______ in gardening and voluntary work, Mrs Black leads a busy and rich life at her old age.

  A. Employing

  B. Employed

  C. To employ

  D. Being employed

  14. A completely new situation will _______ when the examination system comes into existence.

  A. rise

  B. arise

  C. arouse

  D. raise

  15. [2024黄冈模拟]The murderer is _______ to be sentenced to life imprisonment.

  A. alikeB. probable

  C. likely

  D. possible

  Ⅲ. 课文填词

  The Group of Eight,

  1. _______ by eight of the world’s wealthiest nations in 1998,

  is made up 2. _______ political leaders.

  They meet every summer to discuss major problems.

  This year’s meeting,

  in which the topic of Africa will be discussed 3. _______ detail,

  4. _______ (认为) as a historical meeting.

  Reforms have been demanded by people from all over the world.

  Their belief is that the problem can be prevented from getting any worse by 5. _______ (取消) the debt,

  and helping the poorest nations escape their painful pasts.

  London was announced to be 6. _______ host city for the 2024 Olympic Games.

  By then,

  it has the distinction of being the first city to 7. h

  the event three times.

  8. _______ (申请) to host the games had also been made by several other cities.

  In the end,

  it came down to a choice 9. _______ Paris and London.

  The news is being 10. c by crowds in the streets.

  Ⅳ. 阅读理解


  Below is a web page from http: //www. tvguide. com.

  Tonight’s TV Hot List: Sunday January 31, 2010

  Grammy Awards

  8/7c CBS

  Beyoncéand Taylor Swift are ready to take home a lot of hardware tonight as they lead all artists with 10 and 8 nominations. The ladies also perform, along with fellow Album of the Year nominees the Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga and the Dave Matthews Band. In addition, Bon Jovi, Green Day, Lady Antebellum, Maxwell, Pink and Zac Brown Band will also take the stage. But perhaps the most expected moment is the Michael Jackson tribute(吊唁礼物), which features the 3-D mini-movie “Earth Song” and will be highlighted by performers Celine Dion, Jennifer Hudson, Smokey Robinson, Carrie Underwood and Usher.


  9/8c NBC

  A mysterious company named Sabre, headed by an attractive, stubborn CEO(Kathy Bates), appears out of nowhere and buys out(买断股份) Dunder Mifflin. As Michael is unwilling to follow Sabre’s new policies, Andy and Erin write a welcome song to greet the company. Meanwhile, Pam and Jim hope to get accepted into a desired local day-care center.

  Surviving Survivor

  8/7c CBS

  It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years since the first season of Survivor. But tonight ten of the game’s most iconic players, including previous winners Richard Hatch, Parvati Shallow and Tom Westman, discuss the series in detail and provide insights into how the game is actually played and the impact it’s had on their lives. In addition, updates on beloved former castaways, like Ethan Zohn, Rupert Boneham and Elisabeth Hasselbeck, are given.

  Private Practice

  10: 01/9: 01c ABC

  So Maya’s pregnant and wants to have the baby. What to do now?

  Dink (Stephen Lunsford), the boy who did his part to get her into this mess, has a solution:

  He wants to marry her. You can imagine how Sam and Naomi will feel about that. And if that won’t raise the histrionic level enough for you, how about this:

  A couple has two dying daughters, and only one can be saved. Their choice. And Brian Benben is back, so expect more Pete-Violet- Sheldon angst(焦虑).

  1. Edna is crazy about pop stars, so she will most likely choose _______ to enjoy.

  A. Grammy Awards

  B. Maurer

  C. Surviving Survivor

  D. Private Practice

  2. From the passage, we can learn that Dunder Mifflin is _______.

  A. a CEO

  B. a company

  C. an employee in the company

  D. a piece of office equipment

  3. According to the passage, Surviving Survivor is most probably _______.

  A. a musical play

  B. a game show

  C. a love story

  D. a cultural documentary

  4. The above programs _______.

  A. are loved by all viewers

  B. are on the top list for the week

  C. are broadcast on the same channel

  D. are accessible on the same night

  Ⅴ. 短文填词



  Christopher Reeve was born in September,


  He made many _______ (成功的) films and TV shows1. _______

  but he is most famous for his Superman films. U


  2. _______

  disaster came in 1995 when he _______ from his

  3. _______

  horse and broke his back.

  The doctors didn’t _______ (期望)4. _______

  him to live. H


  he made amazing progress.

  5. _______

  At first,

  he couldn’t _______ without a machine,

  6. _______

  but he learnt to breathe _______ his own.

  7. _______

  The _______ (第二 ) year after his accident, 8. _______

  He returned to film making.

  He made speeches all over

  the USA about his experiences,


  not only drew

  9. _______

  public attention to research into back injuries but also

  encouraged lots of people living with all k

  of problems.

  10. _______


  Ⅰ. 1. affairs

  2. scene

  3. approach

  4. defend

  5. advertisement

  6. environment

  7. respected

  8. conclusion

  9. employment

  10. application

  Ⅱ. 1.【解析】选A。 句意:处理复杂问题的传统方法是将其分解成更容易处理的小问题。approach to“(做某事的)方法,途径”, to在这里是介词,后面应跟动名词。

  2.【解析】选C。句意:一些广告包含专家照片或文字,向人们表明产品有多好。consist of包含,不用于被动语态。也可以用be made up of。

  3.【解析】选B。 考查短语辨析。句意:现代的广告必须把最高水平的设计和产品的理念相结合,以增强吸引力,这样才能在充满激烈竞争的世界中胜出。stand for 支持;代表。stand out 突出,显眼。 stand by 支持;袖手旁观。stand on 位于;取决于;依靠。

  4.【解析】选C。句意:——你觉得新工作怎么样?——很难发现令人满意的工作,以致只要可以谋生我很少关心是什么工作。satisfying令人满意的;as long as只要。

  5.【解析】选C。 demand作“要求,命令,应当做……”讲时,其后的宾语从句中的谓语常用“should+动词原形”的形式,这时should可以省略。有类似用法的动词还有insist, suggest, desire, request, require, propose等。

  6.【解析】选B。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 办公室里的工作被连续不断的参观者打断了。interrupt 打断;confuse (使)混乱;prevent 阻止,防止。

  7.【解析】选A。考查名词词义辨析。 comment 评论,意见;attention 注意;appeal 呼吁,恳求,兴趣;solution 解决方法。句意:我认为如果你去找他,他一定会对你的作品提出看法的。故选A。

  8.【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意:我的女儿喜欢写作,她已经向学生版the Sun Breeze投了很多稿子,甚至是当地报纸。print印刷;write 写作;contribute贡献;投稿; publish出版。

  9.【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:他父亲进来时,这男孩假装正在大声读书。pretend to do/be doing/have done sth. 假装做/正在做/做过某事。

  10.【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句意:为了缓和紧张的局势,最终,总统不得不以下台作为对公众压力的回应。in favor of有利于,赞成,支持;in response to回应,反应;in return for作为回报;in honor of 为了纪念……,向……表示敬意,为了庆祝……。


  12.【解析】选C。句意:如果你被发现在校园里吸烟的话,你就会受到老师们的责备。smoke的动作是主动且正在进行的,应用现在分词表主动和进行;be to blame“应受到责备”。

  13.【解析】选B。句意:忙于打理花园和志愿工作,布莱克夫人晚年过着一种充实而富足的生活。本题考查短语be employed in. . . 忙于……,句中employed 为过去分词作状语。

  14.【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:当这套考试系统建立起来时,一个全新的局势就会出现。rise(价格)上涨;arise vi. 出现,升起,升高;raise vt. 提高,提升;arouse唤醒,激起。故选B。

  15.【解析】选C。考查形容词辨析。句意:凶手有可能被判处终身监禁。alike相似的;probable很有可能的;likely 很有可能的;possible可能的。这四个词中只有likely有这样的结构:sb. be likely to do sth. 。

  Ⅲ. 答案:1. formed2. of

  3. in

  4. regarded

  5. cancelling

  6. the

  7. host

  8. Applications

  9. between

  10. celebrated

  Ⅳ. 1.【解析】选 A。细节理解题。第一节广告中提到了有关歌星、演出等情况,故适合喜欢明星的Edna。

  2.【解析】选B。推理判断题。文中说一家神秘的公司买断了Dunder Mifflin,下文还用一首新歌来欢迎这个公司 (greet the company)。

  3.【解析】选B。推理判断题。从Surviving Survivor中第一、二句说到开办了十年之久的节目等等可以猜出。

  4.【解析】选D。推理判断题。由广告的标题Tonight’s TV Hot List可知这是同一晚上的节目。

  Ⅴ.答案:1. successful2. Unluckily/Unfortunately

  3. fell

  4. expect

  5. However

  6. breathe

  7. on

  8. second/next/following

  9. which

  10. kinds



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