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  9.After a long discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of the plan, they finally came to a(n) ________ that it was practical. A.decision

  B.opinion C.conclusion

  D.impression 答案与解析:C 根据句意,所填词应表示“结论”。come to a conclusion得出结论。 10.The two drivers could do nothing but ________ the truck. A.to take turns to drive

  B.take turns to drive C.to drive by turns

  D.drive on turns 答案与解析:B do nothing but do sth.固定用法,排除A、C两项;D项搭配不正确。 11.________ did the United States launch the war against Iraq? A.For what purpose

  B.For which purpose C.For the purpose of

  D.On purpose 答案与解析:A for what purpose出于什么目的;for the purpose of为了……目的;on purpose故意的。 12.Several rounds of air and ground attacks from the allied force left the whole city ________. A.in pieces

  B.in ruins C.in parts

  D.in place 答案与解析:B 考查leave的复合结构:leave+宾语+介词短语。in ruins成为废墟。 13.When the temperature there goes down to ________ ten centigrade, most animals begin to find places to hibernate. A.beneath

  B.below C.under

  D.down 答案与解析:B 根据句意分析这里表示“在某一温度以下”介词通常用below。 14.The man has donated large number of textbooks to the Hope School, ________ are second­hand ones collected from the former students. A.many of them

  B.many which C.many of that

  D.many of which 答案与解析:D 根据句子结构分析,后面应该是一个定语从句,因此选D项。 15.The boy made up his mind to repair the desk by himself after school, ________ legs had been broken. A. its

  B. which C. whose

  D. that 答案与解析:C 关系代词whose这里说明事物,whose legs相当于the legs of which。 Ⅱ.阅读理解 A

  When his plane touched down at Montreal's international airport, David Lee collected his luggage and headed for the airport parking garage, where he left his brand­new car three weeks earlier. But the car wasn't there. Lee found a police officer, who gave him the bad news:his Audi A6 most likely had been absorbed into a vast black car market somewhere in Eastern Europe or Africa. Lee, who flies out of Montreal because it is the closest major airport to his home, is not alone. Countless U. S. travelers use Montreal's airport because of its convenience and lower price, which the ads say. Not surprisingly, the ads don't mention that more than 200 cars are stolen every year from the airport's parking lots. Professional thieves search the airport's parking garages for cars that are relatively free of dust and have U. S. license plates—a lack of dust means that a car was parked recently, and Americans often travel for weeks. That gives the bad guys a lot of time to do whatever they want with the car.

  What they do is take the stolen cars to Montreal's port,

  where they are put inside huge containers to be taken abroad.

  In about a week,the cars are on the streets in Russia or countries in Africa or Asia. Police declare that Canada's most powerful car­theft rings are controlled by Russian crime organizations. “When you have so many cars parked at your airport every year,” says Montreal's director of airport protection, “it's

  not a major problem.” But the Montreal airport's car­theft problem—police recorded 220 stolen cars last year, is much

  worse than other international airports in North America. Last

  year ,for example, only 65 cars were stolen at Los Angeles' airport;Roston's Logan airport had only 4 reported thefts. So now David Lee will head to Logan, his next closest major airport. It's a longer drive,but that's OK if it saves his new car.

  16. Professional car thieves are interested in dust­free American cars because________.

  A. they have enough time to deal with the stolen cars

  B. they have a special interest in American cars

  C. American cars are popular in black car markets

  D. American cars are usually new and expensive

  答案与解析:A 文中第三段交代,无积尘说明该车是近期放的,而一般美国人旅行得花好几周时间,这就给了坏人们处理赃车的时间。

  17. Car thefts go smoothly because ________.

  A. the police have something to do with them

  B. the stolen cars sell well in the world market

  C. the thieves are familiar with the parking garages

  D. they are promoted by some international crime groups 答案与解析:D 由第四段可知,这些偷车流程都有国际犯罪集团的背景。 18. The text indicates that Montreal airport officials seem to

  have ________.

  A. taken effective measures to solve the car­theft problem

  B. considered the car­theft problem much worse than others

  C. failed to give proper attention to the car­theft problem

  D. realized the seriousness of the car­theft problem 答案与解析:C 最后一段开头,蒙特利尔机场安全负责人的言论就说明这些偷车现象没有引起他们应有的重视。 19. David Lee chooses to use Logan airport because it ________.

  A. is cheaper in service

  B. gives more care to car­theft

  C. is more convenient for parking

  D. shows more concern for passengers 答案与解析:B 由最后一句可知,他们考虑到汽车的安全因素才移到Logan。 B Bring the Family?

  Port Regis is well situated for exploring the beautiful South and West of England and Wales.

  The school has excellent

  hotels and guest houses

  nearby for parents who are

  dropping off or collecting

  their children from the school. Please note:

  All students attending English Country Schools must live in the appointed place.

  We do not recommend that parents live locally while their child is at school. Experience suggests that this often upsets the child and disturbs progress.

  Howard's House Country Hotel & Restaurant

  About 15

  minutes from Port Regis School, Howard's House is set in large gardens hidden in the quietness of the lovely Nadder Valley.

  Plumber Manor

  Plumber Manor is a comfortable manor house built of local stones, situated about 20 minutes from Port Regis school. The 17th century house is mounded by lawns and is set in quiet Dorset countryside. The stream runs through the grounds.

  Woodville Farm Bed & Self­catering

  Woodville Farm is a family­run farm set in the Dorset countryside about 5 minutes from Port Regis School. Bed and breakfast accommodation: one double bedroom & one twin bedroom both with bathrooms, tea & coffee making facilities,color television & hairdryer. There is also a self­catering 2 bedroom bungalow (平房) nearby.

  Stock Hill Country House Hotel & Restaurant

  Stock Hill Country House Hotel & Restaurant is a late Victorian building set in eleven acres of mature, beautifully planned grounds on the borders of Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire. About 10 minutes from Port Regis school.

  20. The passage is mainly written for ________.

  A. students

  B. general readers

  C. parents

  D. overseas travelers 答案与解析:C 从文章第二段和第四段可以推知C项正确。 21. Parents are advised not to live locally when children are

  having classes because ________.

  A. children are not too excited to be with their parents

  B. parents stay with their children for too long

  C. their visit makes children uneasy about themselves

  D. their stay there affects children's studies 答案与解析:D 从“Experience suggests that this often upsets the child and disturbs progress”可知,D项正确。 22. If you prefer to live in a stone house, which hotel would

  you choose?

  A. Plumber Manor.

  B. Woodville Farm Bed & Self­catering.

  C. Howard House Country Hotel & Restaurant.

  D. Stock Hill Country House Hotel & Restaurant. 答案与解析:A 因为“Plumber Manor is a comfortable manor house built of local stones”,所以如果你想要居住在一座石头建成的房子里,你应该选择这个旅馆。 23. Woodville farm is different from other hotels in that ________.

  A. it is hidden in a large garden

  B. guests can cook their own food

  C. it dates back to Victorian times

  D. it has a very beautiful country scenery 答案与解析:B 从“Woodville Farm Bed & self­catering”可知B项正确。self­catering意为“自己为自己做饭,食物自理”的意思。 Ⅲ.短文改错 The other day, I go home by bus. Unfortunately, the bus I took was overloaded. Even so, a driver of the bus still stopped now and then, picked up more passengers all the way. I told the driver that I wanted to get on and that I wanted my money back. However, he refused! Just then, a police car came into sight. I shouted with help. Ten passenger got off the bus with the money back. But I blamed by the other passengers, because we had to wait on another bus to send us home. What sad I was! But I was happy to have done that I should. 答案:

  The other day, I go(went) home by bus. Unfortunately, the bus I took was overloaded. Even so, a(the) driver of the bus still stopped now and then, picked(picking) up more passengers all the way. I told the driver that I wanted to get on(off) and that I wanted my money back. However, he refused! Just then, a police car came into sight. I shouted with(for) help.

  Ten passenger(passengers) got off the bus with the money back. But I ∧(was) blamed by the other passengers, because we had to wait on(for) another bus to send us home. What(How) sad I was! But I was happy to have done that(what) I should.

  [考试题] ①(江西九校)—Why did you go back to the shop? —I left my friend ________ there. A. waiting

  B. to wait C. wait

  D. waits 答案与解析:A 使役动词have,get以及其他类似动词keep,catch,leave,set等后用动词­ing形式作宾语补足语,与宾语是主谓关系。故选A项。 2. It's finally our turn to do the wallboard in the school hall!终于轮到我们来做学校礼堂的板报了。 句子中用特定句式it is one's turn to do sth.表示“现在轮到某人做某事了”。 It is one's turn to do sth.现在轮到某人做某事了 Sb. take turns to do sth.某些人轮流/轮换做某事 Sb. take turns (in) doing sth.某些人轮流/轮换做某事 Sb. do sth. in turn某人按顺序做某事 Sb. do sth. by turns某人交替/依次做某事 It is Thursday tomorrow and it's your class's turn to clean up the lab. 明天是星期四,该轮到你们班去打扫实验室了。 The children took turns to look after/(in)looking after the old lady without sons or daughters. 那些孩子轮流照看那位无儿无女的孤寡老太太。 [考试题] ②(南通)Vitamin D helps our bodies make a special chemical, and this special chemical, ________, affects our brains, making us feel happy. A. in turn

  B. in particular

  C. in advance

  D. in short


  随 堂 检 测 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Crowds of ________(年轻人)from different parts of the country came to Beijing to enjoy Guo Degang's crosstalk. 2.If you make the survey among different people, you will draw different c________. 3.The explorers found there was only a steep, n________ path leading to the villiage. youths conclusions narrow 4.The students’ parents insisted that the secretary should provide ________(详细情况)of all the university courses. 5.Working in the hot weather, the farmer had to wipe the s________ off his face now and then. 6.The father always e_____________ the importance of studying hard whenever he talks with his son. 7.A s________ line is the shortest distance between two points. details sweat emphasises straight 8.Jay Chou's music captured the _________________(想象力)of a whole generation of young people. 9.Mary always speaks gently and behaves e________, which gains much admiration from those around her. 10.A collection of paintings by Picasso is on e_________ at the Nation Museum. imagination elegantly exhibition Ⅱ.选择填空(有两项为多余选项) fix one's eyes on,sort of,date back to,relate to,try out,hold one's breath,in detail 1.Mrs. Black likes ____________her new ideas to make dinner. 2.The boy lay under the bed, ____________________ in case his enemies in the game found him. 3.The history of humanity may ____________the Ice Age. trying out holding his breath date back to 4.Bob felt ____________ discouraged when he heard the tickets were sold out. 5.The young man __________________ the girl so that her face turned red with shyness. sort of fixed his eyes on Ⅲ.根据提示翻译句子 1.没有关电视,他就上床睡觉了。(leave) 答案:He went to bed straight,leaving the TV on. 2.下周轮到你开车去学校接孩子了。(It's one's turn to do) 答案:It's your turn to drive to pick the kid up from school next week. 3.很多人都参观过那位著名作家以前居住的房子。(in which) 答案:Many people have visited the house in which the famous author used to live. 4.除了格林先生以外,会上还有其他三个人。(besides) 答案:There were three other people at the meeting besides Mr.Green. 5.这将是这类小说中写得最好的。(write) 答案:This will be the best novel of its kind ever written. Ⅳ.交际用语 1.(浙江五校)—I have some big news for you. You've been accepted as a member of our team. —________. A.Pardon?

  B.Have I? C.Congratulations!

  D.Good idea! 答案与解析:B Pardon?对不起,请再说一遍。Have I?真的吗?Congratulations!祝贺你!Good idea!好主意。句意:——我有好消息给你,你被我们队录用了。——真的吗?(Have I been accepted?) 2.(辽宁重点)—My friend Bill promised he'd help on this rush job, but he didn't show up. —________!He never keeps his word. A.It's hard to say

  B.What a friend C.I couldn't agree more

  D.What a shame 答案与解析:B 句意:——我的朋友比尔答应要帮我赶这份工作,但他到现在也没露面。——他就是这种人,从不遵守诺言。A项“很难说”;C项“非常赞同”(通常回答别人的观点或提议);D项“多可惜啊”。 3.(青岛质检)—When will you be through with your work, Jones? —________?My boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute. A.Who knows B.Would you help me C.I beg your pardon D.Anything the matter 答案与解析:A Who knows?表示“谁知道(无法确定)”,与后句的含义相吻合。 Ⅴ.语法专练 1. (2010·湖南师大附中) We met an old friend in New York ________ our expectation. She waved at us ________ the street when she saw us. A. with; in

  B. out of; next to C. in; out of

  D. beyond; from across 答案:D  2. (2010·沈阳四校联考) The purpose of communication is to get your message ________ to others clearly. A. over

  B. down C. across

  D. on 答案:C  3.(2010·北京崇文区) Rockall is a deserted island ________ lies northwest of mainland Scotland. A.what

  B.where C.which

  D.whom 答案:C  4.(2010·北京海淀区) When I couldn't avoid meeting him, I faced an embarrassing situation ________ I could only keep silent. A.who

  B.which C.when

  D.where 答案:D 5. (2010·福建六校) I don't like the way ________ he often uses to speak to me. A. in which

  B. how C. which

  D. what 答案:C 6. (2010·郑州47中) I hope the little ________ I have been able to do will do good to the partnership between us two schools. A. which

  B. that C. what

  D. as 答案:B  7. (2010·湖南衡阳三校联考) Footy is a mix of soccer and rugby, a sport ________ players hold the ball and run with it. A. where

  B. which C. when

  D. that 答案:A  8. (2010·湖南师大附中) A large number of students give messages to their close friends through this radio club, ________ hosts are all their schoolmates. A. that

  B. of which C. which

  D. whose 答案:D  9. (2010·江苏赣榆中学、射阳中学、滨海中学联考) The employers often prefer to give the job to ________ they believe have rich experience with a strong sense of responsibility.


  B.whomever C.anyone who

  D.those who 答案:D  10. (2010·抚顺六校二模拟)Mr Wang went to Nanjing ________ October,1998 and came back home ________ the morning of Nov.5. A.at; in

  B.on; at C.in; on

  D.by; from 答案:C  11.(2010·临沂期末)I met the teacher in the street yesterday ________ taught me English three years ago. A. which

  B. when C. where

  D. who 答案:D  课时检测⑥

  (Unit 6 Design) Ⅰ.单项填空 1.These manuscripts (手稿) are very ________ to scholars and should be kept in a museum. A.worth B.valueless C.valuable

  D.expensive 答案与解析:C 句意:这些手稿对于学者们来说很珍贵,应该放在博物馆内。valuable“珍贵的”,符合题意。worth值得的;valueless无价值的;expensive贵的。 2.His speech ________ the importance of inviting outside investment and attracting funds to towns and countryside. A.says

  B.strengthens C.tells

  D.emphasises 答案与解析:D 句意:他的讲话强调了招商引资去城镇和农村的重要性。emphasise“强调”,符合题意。say说;strengthen增强,加强;tell告诉。 3.It was clear that the small grocer (杂货商)was ________ people he owed money to. A.at the expense of

  B.at the mercy of C.in the way of



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