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2024届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:选修8 Unit 4(新人教版含解析)




  1.Most of the shabby old workers ________(犹豫) to leave their present positions.

  2.The ________(结果) of the election is really disgusting,but we have to accept it.

  3.Although I have a different ________(身份) from him,we both belong to the same musical society.

  4.Any violent act should be ________(谴责) in Syria.

  5.This kind of wallet is made of superior leather and it will never ________(消退).

  6.The books in the library are ________(分类)according to the subject.

  7.It's easy to ________(忽视)mistakes when reading your own writing.

  8.These plants are regarded as ________(带来麻烦的)weeds in rice fields.You'd better get rid of them.

  9.He made a number of rude ________(评述)about the food here.

  10.He's the most ________(不同寻常的)man I've ever met.


  1.hesitate 2.outcome 3.status 4.condemned

  5.fade 6.classified 7.overlook 8.troublesome

  9.remarks 10.extraordinary


  1.This play is an ________ (adapt) of a short novel.

  2.We should look after these young trees ________ (proper).

  3.He was suspected of being involved in this ________ (rob).

  4.He was ________ (patient) with the naughty boy and lost his temper.

  5.You should look up the right ________ (pronounce) of this word in the dictionary.

  6.I was late in getting to the station, but ________ (fortune) for me the train was late, too.

  7.The boy felt ________ (comfort) with his new classmates.

  8.I would have no ________ (hesitate) in declining the position.

  9.Yesterday her old mother mistook me for her daughter. That means I was ________ (mistake) for her daughter. In fact, she often makes the same mistake.

  10.It was at a wedding that I first made the ________ (acquaint) of him.


  1.adaptation 2.properly 3.robbery 4.impatient

  5.pronunciation 6.fortunately 7.uncomfortable

  8.hesitation 9.mistaken 10.acquaintance


  1.________ terms of the quality of air, Beijing ranked first.

  2.Tom is superior ________ me in swimming.

  3.Apart ________ these apples, what else did you buy?

  4.He was dependent ________ his parents.

  5.She was independent ________ her family.

  6.She was impatient ________ her daughter.

  7.I am ________ need of your help.

  8.The man had to shelter ________ the rain in the booth.

  9.________ (rest) at home for several days, I felt refreshed.

  10.The other day, I ________ (call) on my grandparents in the countryside.


  1.In in terms of就……而言。

  2.to be superior to优于。

  3.from apart from除了……之外。

  4.on be dependent on依赖……。

  5.of be independent of独立于……。

  6.with be impatient with对……不耐烦。

  7.in in need of需要。

  8.from shelter from躲避。

  9.Having rested rest动作先于句子动作发生,故用having done作状语。

  10.called the other day与一般过去时连用。


  It was pouring with rain and the cabs were __1__ (whistle) in all directions. Eliza, a flower girl, was sheltering __2__ the rain when a gentleman passed and __3__ (hesitate) for a moment. The girl desired him to buy some flowers of her, but he didn't. Facing the troublesome girl, the man gave her some small change and left. And the outcome made Eliza __4__ (disappoint) because she felt as if she __5__ (be) a thief and dishonest at all and began to cry. Then, Higgins, an expert in phonetics, __6__ can place a man by just a few __7__ (remark), appeared and gave her a handkerchief to wipe away her tears and asked if he was __8__ (mistake) to say that she was born in Lisson Grove. Then Higgins tried to convince Eliza to improve her English to become an upper class lady. When the girl knew that the __9__ (improve) of her English could lift up her life, she felt __10__ (encourage) to learn to speak the authentic English.


  1.whistling 2.from 3.hesitated 4.disappointed

  5.were 6.who 7.remarks 8.mistaken 9.improvement



  1.Most of the shabby old workers ________(犹豫) to leave their present positions.

  2.The ________(结果) of the election is really disgusting,but we have to accept it.

  3.Although I have a different ________(身份) from him,we both belong to the same musical society.

  4.Any violent act should be ________(谴责) in Syria.

  5.This kind of wallet is made of superior leather and it will never ________(消退).

  6.The books in the library are ________(分类)according to the subject.

  7.It's easy to ________(忽视)mistakes when reading your own writing.

  8.These plants are regarded as ________(带来麻烦的)weeds in rice fields.You'd better get rid of them.

  9.He made a number of rude ________(评述)about the food here.

  10.He's the most ________(不同寻常的)man I've ever met.


  1.hesitate 2.outcome 3.status 4.condemned

  5.fade 6.classified 7.overlook 8.troublesome

  9.remarks 10.extraordinary


  1.This play is an ________ (adapt) of a short novel.

  2.We should look after these young trees ________ (proper).

  3.He was suspected of being involved in this ________ (rob).

  4.He was ________ (patient) with the naughty boy and lost his temper.

  5.You should look up the right ________ (pronounce) of this word in the dictionary.

  6.I was late in getting to the station, but ________ (fortune) for me the train was late, too.

  7.The boy felt ________ (comfort) with his new classmates.

  8.I would have no ________ (hesitate) in declining the position.

  9.Yesterday her old mother mistook me for her daughter. That means I was ________ (mistake) for her daughter. In fact, she often makes the same mistake.

  10.It was at a wedding that I first made the ________ (acquaint) of him.


  1.adaptation 2.properly 3.robbery 4.impatient

  5.pronunciation 6.fortunately 7.uncomfortable

  8.hesitation 9.mistaken 10.acquaintance


  1.________ terms of the quality of air, Beijing ranked first.

  2.Tom is superior ________ me in swimming.

  3.Apart ________ these apples, what else did you buy?

  4.He was dependent ________ his parents.

  5.She was independent ________ her family.

  6.She was impatient ________ her daughter.

  7.I am ________ need of your help.

  8.The man had to shelter ________ the rain in the booth.

  9.________ (rest) at home for several days, I felt refreshed.

  10.The other day, I ________ (call) on my grandparents in the countryside.


  1.In in terms of就……而言。

  2.to be superior to优于。

  3.from apart from除了……之外。

  4.on be dependent on依赖……。

  5.of be independent of独立于……。

  6.with be impatient with对……不耐烦。

  7.in in need of需要。

  8.from shelter from躲避。

  9.Having rested rest动作先于句子动作发生,故用having done作状语。

  10.called the other day与一般过去时连用。


  It was pouring with rain and the cabs were __1__ (whistle) in all directions. Eliza, a flower girl, was sheltering __2__ the rain when a gentleman passed and __3__ (hesitate) for a moment. The girl desired him to buy some flowers of her, but he didn't. Facing the troublesome girl, the man gave her some small change and left. And the outcome made Eliza __4__ (disappoint) because she felt as if she __5__ (be) a thief and dishonest at all and began to cry. Then, Higgins, an expert in phonetics, __6__ can place a man by just a few __7__ (remark), appeared and gave her a handkerchief to wipe away her tears and asked if he was __8__ (mistake) to say that she was born in Lisson Grove. Then Higgins tried to convince Eliza to improve her English to become an upper class lady. When the girl knew that the __9__ (improve) of her English could lift up her life, she felt __10__ (encourage) to learn to speak the authentic English.


  1.whistling 2.from 3.hesitated 4.disappointed

  5.were 6.who 7.remarks 8.mistaken 9.improvement




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