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2011高考英语一轮复习 Unit15《Learning》课件 北师大版必修5



  名师一线讲坛 解析:选D。句意:他不可能没向他们道别就离去了,因为他一向很有礼貌。A项mustn’t have left没有此结构。B项不合时态。C项shouldn’t have left不应该离开而离开了,不合句意。D项can’t have left不可能离开。can’t have done表示对过去的猜测。 名师一线讲坛 I agree with you to a certain extent. 在某种程度上,我同意你的观点。 To a certain extent,we are all responsible for this tragic situation. 我们都在一定程度上对这悲惨的局面负有责任。

  名师一线讲坛 13.完成句子

  (1)我们丢掉合同在某种程度上是我的错。 ________________________________it was my fault that we lost the contract. 答案:To a certain extent

  名师一线讲坛 (2)暴力事件多到了令居民不敢出门的程度。 Violence increased________________________that residents were afraid to leave their homes. 答案:to the extent 名师一线讲坛 (3)对于这种信息缺乏的状况,我们能在多大程度上指责政府呢? ________________________can we blame the government for this lack of information? 答案:To what extent 名师一线讲坛 12. lay off (尤其指在生意萧条期临时性地)解雇(雇员);停止,中止;戒绝 lay sth.aside储存某物待用 lay out展开;布置;花费 lay on提供,安排 lay the blame on...责怪/责备…… lay stress/emphasis on...强调…… 名师一线讲坛 During the recession they laid us off for three months. 在营业衰退时期,他们停雇了我们三个月。(朗文P857) You’d better lay off(alcohol)for a while. 你最好戒绝(喝酒)一个时期。(朗文P857) Lay off hitting me! 住手,别打我了!(朗文P857)

  名师一线讲坛 思维拓展 (1)lay(laid;laid;laying)放置;产(卵) (2)lie(lay;lain;lying)躺;位于 (3)lie(lied;lied;lying)说谎 (4)lay既是“放置、产(卵)”的原形,又是“躺、位于”的过去式(还可作形容词“外行的”)。lying既是“躺、位于”的现在分词,又是“说谎”的现在分词。

  名师一线讲坛 14.完成句子 (1)她设法每周从薪水中存上几个英镑。 She’d managed to________________a few pounds each week from her wages. 答案:lay aside 名师一线讲坛 (2)双方开始想方设法互相指责。

  Both sides started trying to________________________________each other. 答案:lay the blame on 名师一线讲坛 (3)哈里下岗6个月了。 Harry was________________for six months. 答案:laid off 名师一线讲坛 (4)把地图铺在桌上,让我们看一下。 ________________the map on the table and let’s have a look. 答案:Lay out 名师一线讲坛 13. be accustomed to 习惯于 be accustomed(used)to(doing)sth.习惯于(表状态) become/get accustomed(=used)to(doing)sth. 习惯于(表动作) accustom oneself/sb.to(doing)sth. 使自己/某人习惯于…… 名师一线讲坛 Painting barns red is an accustomed practice. 仓房刷成红色是一种习俗。 He has become accustomed to the way the teacher gives lectures. 他已经习惯了那个老师的讲课方式。 You must accustom yourself to the new environment. 你必须使自己适应新环境。

  名师一线讲坛 15.The trains________the travelers who want to go to the other places. A.are accustomed to carrying B.get used to carry C.get accustomed to carry D.are used to carry

  名师一线讲坛 解析:选D。此句为一被动语态的句子,are/get accustomed/used to doing sth.习惯于做某事;are accustomed to do没有这一用法;be used to do sth.被用来做某事。 名师一线讲坛 14. approve of 赞成,赞许 approve sth.核准(批准)某事 approve of sb./sth.赞成某人(某事) approve of sb.’s doing sth.同意某人做某事 The minister approved the building plan. 部长批准了这项建筑计划。 Do you approve of my idea? 你同意我的想法吗? Mother doesn’t approve of her smoking. 母亲不赞成她吸烟。 名师一线讲坛 16.She ________to have lunch with her friend,saying that she wasn’t feeling well. A.declined

  B.resigned C.tended

  D.approved 解析:选A。decline婉拒。句意:她说自己身体不舒服就婉言谢绝了和朋友共进午餐。resign辞职;tend易于,倾向于;approve赞同,同意。

  名师一线讲坛 15.【教材原句】 Now I’m about to graduate from the School of Continuing Education at QingHua University... 现在,我就要从清华大学继续教育学院毕业…… 【句法分析】 be about to do sth.意为:即将……;正要……。这个结构表示动作即将发生;在be about to do sth.后不能接表示具体时间的时间状语(如:on Sunday;in 2009等),但可以接when引导的时间状语从句。 句型探究 面对面 名师一线讲坛 be about to do sth.when...意为“正要干……这时……”。 I was about to go out when the telephone rang. 我正要出门,这时电话铃响了。 The meeting was about to be held when it began to rain. 会议正要开始,这时开始下雨了。

  名师一线讲坛 17.I was about to go to bed ________ I heard someone knocking at the door. A.while

  B.as C.when

  D.before 解析:选C。be about to do sth....when...正要干……这时……。句意:我正要上床睡觉,这时我听见有人在敲门。 名师一线讲坛 16.【教材原句】 Sometimes I wish I could phone him and ask for his opinion! 有时我真希望能给他打个电话问问他的意见! 【句法分析】 I wish I could...我真希望能……。

  名师一线讲坛 I wish it were autumn in Beijing all the year round. 但愿北京全年都是秋天。 He wished he had not lost the chance. 他真希望没有失去机会。 I wish it would stop raining. 但愿雨能停住。

  名师一线讲坛 18.翻译句子 (1)我希望我是一只小鸟。 ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:I wish I were a little bird. 名师一线讲坛 (2)他真希望他没做那件事。 ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:He wishes he hadn’t done that. 名师一线讲坛 17.【教材原句】 ...I shouldn’t have been so difficult at school... ……我在上学时本不该这么叛逆…… 【句法分析】 shouldn’t have done意为“本不应该……(有时含有责怪之意)”。 Look,Tom’s crying.I shouldn’t have been angry at him. 看,汤姆在哭,我本不应该对他发火。

  名师一线讲坛 You should not have said such a thing to him. 你本不应该跟他讲这样的事。(事实上已经讲了) You should not have left college so early. 你本不应该这样早就中断大学学业。

  名师一线讲坛 思维拓展 情态动词的完成式可表示对过去的虚拟或猜测: (1)need have done表示必须做的事没做;needn’t have done表示不必做的事而做了。 You needn’t have spent so much time on the problem. 你本不必在这个问题上花费这么长时间。 名师一线讲坛 (2)ought to+have+过去分词,表示“(过去)本应该做某事,而实际却没做”是对已发生的情况的“责备”“惊奇”或“推测”。 You ought to(should)have been more careful in this experiment. 你本应该在这个实验上更仔细些。 (3)can/could+have+过去分词,表示“(过去)本能够做某事,而实际上却没做”;其否定形式表示“(过去)不可能做某事”。两者都是对过去情况的一种推测。

  名师一线讲坛 (4)may/might+have+过去分词,表示对过去发生的行为的推测,含有“也许”之意。might语气较弱。 Philip may(might)have been hurt seriously in the car accident.菲利普也许在这场汽车事故中伤得很重。 (5)must+have+过去分词,表示“(过去)必定发生了某事”,属肯定性推测。 I didn’t hear the phone.I must have been asleep. 我没有听见电话响,我一定是睡着了。 名师一线讲坛 19.I was really anxious about you.You________home without a word. A.mustn’t leave  B.shouldn’t have left C.couldn’t have left

  D.needn’t leave 解析:选B。句意:我真是很担心你,你不应该没打招呼就离开了家。

  名师一线讲坛 20.Sorry I’m late.I________have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. A.might

  B.should C.can

  D.will 解析:选A。句意:对不起,我迟到了。我有可能把闹铃关掉后又睡着了。这里表示对过去的推测,“might have done”句型正好表达此意。

  名师一线讲坛 21.He________without saying goodbye to them,for he always has good manners. A.mustn’t have left

  B.may not leave C.shouldn’t have left

  D.can’t have left

  名师一线讲坛 I regret that I will be unable to attend. 很遗憾,我不能参加。(朗文P1266) We regret to inform you that you owe the bank £100. 我们很遗憾地告诉你,你欠银行一百英镑。(朗文P1266)

  名师一线讲坛 6.—You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. —Well,now I regret________ that. A.to do

  B.to be doing C.to have done

  D.having done 解析:选D。regret doing/having done something后悔做过某事。

  名师一线讲坛 6. access n. 接近,进入,通路;接近(或进入)的方法,到达(或进入,使用,走访)的权利(或机会) vt. 存(数据);取(数据);存取;访问;接近,使用 accessible adj. 可到达的,可进入的,可理解的

  名师一线讲坛 access to接近……的机会,进入……的权利 have/get/gain/obtain access to 得以接近,得以会见,得以进入 give access to接见,准许进入 be accessible to易接近的;能进入;易受影响;可以理解 名师一线讲坛 He gained access to/into the building through the window. 他通过窗户进入大楼。 I had no access to education when I was young. 我小时候没有受教育的机会。 The old man is easy of access.那老人很容易接近。 An open­minded person is accessible to reasons. 虚心的人易于服理。 The village is not accessible by car. 那个村子汽车无法抵达。 名师一线讲坛 7.完成句子 (1)The island is only________by boat. 答案:accessible

  名师一线讲坛 (2)Cats should always have ________ to fresh water. 答案:access

  名师一线讲坛 8.He succeeded in making a difficult subject accessible________the readers. A.with

  B.to C.for

  D.by 解析:选B。句意:他成功地把一个棘手的题目变得易于读者理解。be accessible to... 在此表示“易于……理解”。

  名师一线讲坛 7. assume v. 假定,假设;承担,取得(权力),就(职);呈现;认为;装出;行使;担任,承担 assumption n. 假定;设想 assume sb./sth.to be...假设,假定某人/某事为…… on the assumption that假定 make assumptions about臆断,假定 assuming(that)...=supposing/suppose(that)... 假定…… 名师一线讲坛 If he’s not here in five minutes,we’ll assume(that)he isn’t coming. 要是他再过五分钟还不来,我们就认为他是不来了。(朗文P73) You will assume your new responsibilities tomorrow. 你明天就任新职。(朗文P73)

  名师一线讲坛 We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up. 我们假定了每一个人都会应邀出席并正就此作出安排。 Assuming(that)you’re right about this,what shall we do? 假定在这件事情上你是对的,那我们该怎么办?(朗文P73)

  名师一线讲坛 9.完成句子 (1)Let us________(假设)for a moment that the plan succeeds. 答案:assume 名师一线讲坛 (2)We need to challenge some of the basic________(假设)of western philosophy. 答案:assumptions 名师一线讲坛 8. adapt v. 使适应;改编,改造 adapt(oneself)to...使……适应 adapt...for...将……改编为…… adapt from...根据……改编 名师一线讲坛 These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes. 这些式样可以修改,以适应个人不同爱好。 Three of her novels have been adapted for television. 她的长篇小说中有三部已改编成电视节目。

  名师一线讲坛 比较网站 adapt,adjust (1)adapt指修改或改变,使某物或某人做些改变以适应新的条件。 (2)adjust指借正当的判断或熟练的技巧进行“调整、调节”,以使两者互相适应。 Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people. 这些工具多数已经过特别改装,供残疾人使用。(牛津P19) It took her a while to adjust to living alone. 她过了一段时间才适应单身生活。 名师一线讲坛 10.翻译句子 (1)她很快适应了这种新气候。 ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:She adapted(herself)quickly to the new climate. 名师一线讲坛 (2)这本小说已被改编成剧本。 ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:This play has been adapted from a novel. 名师一线讲坛 9. ignore vt. 忽视,不管,不理会 ignore sb./sth.不理睬某人/不理会某事 be in ignorance(of/about sth.)(对某事物的)无知 be ignorant (of/about sth.)(对某事物)不了解/无知 be ignorant that...不知某事 She ignored him and carried on with her work. 她没理他,继续干她的活。

  名师一线讲坛 比较网站 ignore,overlook,neglect (1)ignore指有意从开始就不理睬。 (2)overlook指由于不注意或胸怀宽大而忽略其他人的过错。

  名师一线讲坛 (3)neglect“忽略,疏忽”,指没做到该做的事情或没尽到应尽的责任。 The government would be unwise to ignore the growing dissatisfaction with its economic policies. 政府忽视对其经济政策的日益增长的不满是不明智的。(朗文P756) He seems to have overlooked one important fact. 他好像忽略了一个重要的事实。(牛津P1229)

  名师一线讲坛 The buildings have been neglected for years. 这些大楼多年来一直无人看管。(牛津P1156)

  名师一线讲坛 11.At that time I________events going on elsewhere,after all,because I was a little boy. A.was ignorant of

  B.was in ignorance C.was ignorant in

  D.was ignorance of 解析:选A。be ignorant of和be in ignorance of两者的意思都为“无知,不知道”,根据句意和句子结构以及所给的选项来做出正确的选择。 名师一线讲坛 1.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 He likes ________(art)so much and he wants to become an________(art). 答案:art;artist 单词巧记 名师一线讲坛 归纳与比较:n.(或­al结尾的形容词)+­ist n.(名词)/adj.(形容词) 后缀 (n./adj.+­ist)人 art(艺术) ­ist artist(艺术家) science(科学)

  scientist(科学家) social(社会的) socialist(社会学家) 名师一线讲坛 2.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 There is an________ (end)to life,but learning is________(end). 答案:end;endless

  名师一线讲坛 归纳与比较:n./v.+­less

  n./v.(名词/动词) 后缀 adj.(形容词) care(关心) ­less careless(粗心的)

  home(家) homeless(无家可归的) end(尽头) endless(无止境的) 名师一线讲坛 10. aside from 除……之外 Aside from that one little problem,the day was perfect. 除了那个小问题外,那天过得好极了。

  短语扫描 线连线 名师一线讲坛 思维拓展 except for除……之外(没有) 名师一线讲坛 except/but除……之外(没有) except that+从句 除……之外 In addition to his job at the university,he’s now running his own research company. 除了他在大学的工作以外,他现在还经营自己的研究公司。 The house was just as I left it except that everything was covered with dust. 除了积满灰尘外,这所房子与我离开时没什么两样。

  名师一线讲坛 12.The city,________being an industrial centre,enjoys a high moral record. A.as to

  B.due to C.in fact

  D.aside from 解析:选D。as to关于;due to由于;in fact事实上;aside from意为“除……之外”,符合句意。句意:这座城市不仅是一个工业中心,道德风气也一向很好。 名师一线讲坛 11. to a certain extent 在某种程度上 to some extent在某种程度上 to a great/large extent在很大程度上 to such an extent/to the extent that 达到如此程度/达到……的程度 to what extent...在多大程度上…… Unit 15


  学习 考纲知识预览 重点单词 1.


  adj.简单的,易懂的 2.


  n.嫌疑犯,被怀疑的人 adj.可疑的→


  n.怀疑,疑心 3.



  adj.有益的,有教育意义的 simplify simple

  suspect suspect suspicious suspicion instruct instruction

  instructive 考纲知识预览
















  assignment assign alternative alternative punishment punish reflect reflection


  slightly 考纲知识预览






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