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  31 我们赞扬儿童时最常用的话有:Isnt he cute He is so cute. He is adorable. Beautiful baby! 逗一两岁的小孩时,人们常说:Peek-a-boo, I see you.给小孩说再见:See you later, alligator!

  32 Yes, 这是现在的小学生都会的单词。但是大学英语专业的人有时也搞错,例如,对于对方的否定句表示赞同时,很多时候,很多人仍旧会回答yes,而不会说no。英语中表示同意的词很多,如果实在无法立马反应过来,不妨用其他的词。Absolutely, OK, you are right, exactly, certainly, yep, aye, just so, sure, right, correct, you said it. I agree with you, 常用的还有sweat, you bet。或者你可以说:I hear you.你说的我明白。说no的词也有好几个:nope, I dont think so,等等。

  33 有个人说:A 82 year-old man married a 28 year-old woman. That is the most bizarre thing that has ever happened recently. 另一个人蛮有同情心,他可能会说:Well, age shouldnt be something that comes in the way of a persons marriage. As long as they love each other, age is not an issue.bizarre是一个美国人喜欢用的词,意思是稀奇古怪,不正常的That is a bizarre story. The nine-head-bird is really bizarre.这是一句中国俗话,上、下联是什么呢? comes in the way of 的意思是成为绊脚石。

  34 有个朋友要我每到一地就给她写几个字,这英语的表达法可以用drop me a line: Dont forget to drop me a line when you visit a new place. 我则可以回答:Trust me. I wont. Ill keep you posted.post当动词用,则是邮寄,转递,keep someone posted意思是keep in touch with someone, or touch base with someone often。只是很可惜,现在的中国邮局大部分都不办理邮政业务,而是成为银行了,所以信也没法寄。Drop by的意思是,顺便访问Please drop by sometime for a drink. - I dropped by my best friends house to see if he was home. 不要朋友写信,就叫朋友打电话好了:Give me a buzz. or Give me a ring. 都可以。

  35 上一篇中提到了一个词soul mate,是那种心灵感应的朋友,也可以用heart,例如说,sweat heart,但这指恋人或关系特别密切的人。a heart to heart chat很诚恳的沟通。I tried to have a heart to heart chat with him on this issue, but it didnt work. 我费了一番力气想与他坦诚沟通,但没有什么用。

  36 他喝醉了。英文有好些说法,很口语化的是:He is loaded. 就是drunk的意思。When I talked to the president, he was loaded. Kissinger said about Nixon. 基辛格谈到尼克松时说:我跟总统谈话时,他已经喝得烂醉。under the influence of alcohol也是喝醉了的意思,但这是个法律词汇,意思是犯法了,尤其是在开车时,如果查出了司机是under the influence of alcohol则可能要坐牢。而drunk, loaded虽是醉酒,但不违法。很书面语的词汇是intoxicated, intoxication。写到这里,我想起了昆明巫家坝机场的一副广告:令人陶醉的地方--云南,旁边的英语是:Intoxication: Yunnan. 这是典型的中式英语,外国人看了不知所云,听上去好像是云南人都是酒鬼一样。正确的英文应该是:The most attractive place: Yunnan;也可以说:Breathtaking scenery:Yunnan.

  37 He is a little bit punchy. 如果一个人晚上睡眠不足,早晨起来睡眼惺忪的样子,我们可以说他punchy.所以可以接着说:He needs a cup of coffee to wake up. 一个人看上去云里雾里的样子都是punchy,与喝醉酒貌差不多。

  38 与load还有一个相关的口语词:freeloading, 揩油,滥用别人的慷慨。My roommate wont pay anything for the grocery. I end up feeding him three meals. I am really fed up with his freeloading.揩油的人就叫freeloader,就是那种喜欢免费的午餐的人。

  39 市场上有很多关于学英语诀窍的书,但实际上,学英语就是一个背单词、与遗忘作斗争的过程。记忆力好的人总是少数。I cannot think of these English words off hand. One of the effective ways is to brush up on grammar rules a little bit everyday. There is simply no short cut. Off hand,我无法一下子就能想起这些英文单词。 Brush up on 常常复习,short cut,捷径。学英语最好是每天学一点,坚持不懈,集腋成裘:Precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, idea by idea,。或者我们可以说 A little at a time, we can eat up an elephant eventually. It is a big job, but we can get it done. 这个工作巨大,但我们可以把它做好。所以不要相信那些100天就可以把英语学好的广告。如果有学生或一位网友100天可以学好英语的话,那我不就要失业了?

  40 堵塞。看到堵塞二字,人们一般会想起jam,如果是交通堵塞,用jam是没错的。但是如果是下水道给堵塞了,最好要用clog。It is too bad, my sink is clogged up again.堵塞还有一个英文词clot: The street was clotted with traffic. 街上交通阻塞。血栓堵塞:blood clot。堵塞正式的名词是Congestion, 如果吃东西给咽了,则是choking



  31 我们赞扬儿童时最常用的话有:Isnt he cute He is so cute. He is adorable. Beautiful baby! 逗一两岁的小孩时,人们常说:Peek-a-boo, I see you.给小孩说再见:See you later, alligator!

  32 Yes, 这是现在的小学生都会的单词。但是大学英语专业的人有时也搞错,例如,对于对方的否定句表示赞同时,很多时候,很多人仍旧会回答yes,而不会说no。英语中表示同意的词很多,如果实在无法立马反应过来,不妨用其他的词。Absolutely, OK, you are right, exactly, certainly, yep, aye, just so, sure, right, correct, you said it. I agree with you, 常用的还有sweat, you bet。或者你可以说:I hear you.你说的我明白。说no的词也有好几个:nope, I dont think so,等等。

  33 有个人说:A 82 year-old man married a 28 year-old woman. That is the most bizarre thing that has ever happened recently. 另一个人蛮有同情心,他可能会说:Well, age shouldnt be something that comes in the way of a persons marriage. As long as they love each other, age is not an issue.bizarre是一个美国人喜欢用的词,意思是稀奇古怪,不正常的That is a bizarre story. The nine-head-bird is really bizarre.这是一句中国俗话,上、下联是什么呢? comes in the way of 的意思是成为绊脚石。

  34 有个朋友要我每到一地就给她写几个字,这英语的表达法可以用drop me a line: Dont forget to drop me a line when you visit a new place. 我则可以回答:Trust me. I wont. Ill keep you posted.post当动词用,则是邮寄,转递,keep someone posted意思是keep in touch with someone, or touch base with someone often。只是很可惜,现在的中国邮局大部分都不办理邮政业务,而是成为银行了,所以信也没法寄。Drop by的意思是,顺便访问Please drop by sometime for a drink. - I dropped by my best friends house to see if he was home. 不要朋友写信,就叫朋友打电话好了:Give me a buzz. or Give me a ring. 都可以。

  35 上一篇中提到了一个词soul mate,是那种心灵感应的朋友,也可以用heart,例如说,sweat heart,但这指恋人或关系特别密切的人。a heart to heart chat很诚恳的沟通。I tried to have a heart to heart chat with him on this issue, but it didnt work. 我费了一番力气想与他坦诚沟通,但没有什么用。

  36 他喝醉了。英文有好些说法,很口语化的是:He is loaded. 就是drunk的意思。When I talked to the president, he was loaded. Kissinger said about Nixon. 基辛格谈到尼克松时说:我跟总统谈话时,他已经喝得烂醉。under the influence of alcohol也是喝醉了的意思,但这是个法律词汇,意思是犯法了,尤其是在开车时,如果查出了司机是under the influence of alcohol则可能要坐牢。而drunk, loaded虽是醉酒,但不违法。很书面语的词汇是intoxicated, intoxication。写到这里,我想起了昆明巫家坝机场的一副广告:令人陶醉的地方--云南,旁边的英语是:Intoxication: Yunnan. 这是典型的中式英语,外国人看了不知所云,听上去好像是云南人都是酒鬼一样。正确的英文应该是:The most attractive place: Yunnan;也可以说:Breathtaking scenery:Yunnan.

  37 He is a little bit punchy. 如果一个人晚上睡眠不足,早晨起来睡眼惺忪的样子,我们可以说他punchy.所以可以接着说:He needs a cup of coffee to wake up. 一个人看上去云里雾里的样子都是punchy,与喝醉酒貌差不多。

  38 与load还有一个相关的口语词:freeloading, 揩油,滥用别人的慷慨。My roommate wont pay anything for the grocery. I end up feeding him three meals. I am really fed up with his freeloading.揩油的人就叫freeloader,就是那种喜欢免费的午餐的人。

  39 市场上有很多关于学英语诀窍的书,但实际上,学英语就是一个背单词、与遗忘作斗争的过程。记忆力好的人总是少数。I cannot think of these English words off hand. One of the effective ways is to brush up on grammar rules a little bit everyday. There is simply no short cut. Off hand,我无法一下子就能想起这些英文单词。 Brush up on 常常复习,short cut,捷径。学英语最好是每天学一点,坚持不懈,集腋成裘:Precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, idea by idea,。或者我们可以说 A little at a time, we can eat up an elephant eventually. It is a big job, but we can get it done. 这个工作巨大,但我们可以把它做好。所以不要相信那些100天就可以把英语学好的广告。如果有学生或一位网友100天可以学好英语的话,那我不就要失业了?

  40 堵塞。看到堵塞二字,人们一般会想起jam,如果是交通堵塞,用jam是没错的。但是如果是下水道给堵塞了,最好要用clog。It is too bad, my sink is clogged up again.堵塞还有一个英文词clot: The street was clotted with traffic. 街上交通阻塞。血栓堵塞:blood clot。堵塞正式的名词是Congestion, 如果吃东西给咽了,则是choking




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