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2010-2023英语一 历年大作文

2023戏服 传统文化/家教 态度哲理

2023学习习惯 个人选择 态度哲理

2023爬山 坚持/互助 态度哲理

2023选课学习 个人选择 态度哲理

2023读书学习 个人选择 态度哲理

2023家教学习 榜样作用 态度哲理

2023手机时代的聚会 社会现象

2023相携 社会现象

2023毕业的选择 社会现象

2023半瓶水 态度哲理

2011环保 环保

2010文化火锅 文化交流

以往:环保 文化交流 和社会热点 近年没有成为单纯靠点

入选过的主题 :环保 亲子关系 文化交流 教育 科技 态度哲理 (以下准备五个模板酌情选用)

近年:以人的态度哲理居多 主题具有发散性(可以选择主题的主旨不止一个)

一般而言不会紧跟时事热点,疫情 奥运 一带一路等不太可能入题

发散的态度哲理类话题可能性是最大的,文化(刚涉及过 重考可能性小)和环保类已不再热门,可能性相对较小

一 立意 (这里讲最求稳的做法)

如果是 社会热点类/社会问题类

不论是好与不好,一般建议写好的方向 这比较符合美好生活正能量 或者说主旋律,不太可能会跑题。


立意去写 环境恶化的弊端 逻辑也没有问题。

但是不论是环境脏乱,还是环境优美,立意建议写 保护环境的意义 (就是保护好环境 会如何如何造福我们)更符合正能量主旋律。


同上,建议写 我们需要养老孝亲 弘扬孝亲美德


这种态度哲理类,如果出现 不同的选择/不同的观点

选择正能量主旋律,建议也是选取积极的观点 我们应当树立积极的态度

Ø 注意



主题写 文明旅游 也没问题,但是保护环境 是常见话题,必定没有问题。

非要写 文明旅游,论述角度 和 具体内容 则需要思考斟酌

(这意味着 1 可能有写错扣分风险 2 临场思考肯可能会花费更多的答题时间)


最近几年仍然发散性主题,上图 个人选择 家庭教育 传统文化 皆是可选方向

个人选择 入选题目频率较高 所以建议选此立意最为稳妥(肯定写 做出合适自己的选择 做出正确的选择)

二 模板

终极难题 写作内容该如何? 写作总逻辑:

一段描述图画(一句总述 加上一/二句细节描写 再引入主题)



基础好的同学: 学会写作结构即可 自己随意发挥

基础差的同学:背范文(积累素材)v.s. 背模板(一键挂机)






As is vividly depicted in the picture, there are/is sb doing sth. With…, sb is doing sth. (追加一句详述图画细节)Below the picture, there is a caption that reads: “______”.

追加细节描述 不是刚需 可以不写 为了得高分还是建议写一个


Presented in the above two pictures is a common phenomenon现象. In the first picture, sb doing sth, while in the second one, sb doing sth. Below the picture, there is a caption that reads: “______”.


句子为: And the caption just reminds us the significance of 文章的主题.




As is vividly depicted in the picture, there are/is sb doing sth. With…, sb is doing sth. (追加一句详述图画细节)Below the picture, there is a caption that reads: “______”.

The aim of the cartoon is to illustrate that environmental protection deserves our immediate attention. For one thing, natural environment is the basis of human existence on which we are completely dependent. In other words, hardly can we survive if the environment is severely polluted. For another, with the pollution of air, water and other natural resources, the environment has been almost damaged to the point where it cannot support the normal life of human being. If there were no pleasant ecological environment, we could never taste the real happiness of life.

With the situation being so serious, it is high time that immediate and consistent actions were taken by the departments concerned. To begin with, the government is expected to enact laws to raise the awareness of environmental protection. More importantly, everyone, especially, the visitors, are supposed to take efforts to remold their attitudes towards our environment and protect it with their utmost efforts.

三段结尾也可以 详述建议

当然这个不仅仅是环保,绝大部分话题均可用 (模板)

On the basis of the above-mentioned analyses, we would like to present the following suggestion regarding environment protection. For one thing, regulations should be formulated to encourage the practice of environment protection. For another, educational campaigns should be launched among the public, especially the young, to raise their awareness of environment protection. Only in these ways can a harmonious society as well as better personal life be expected soon.


As is vividly depicted in the picture,there are/is sb doing sth. With…, sb is doing sth. (追加一句详述图画细节) The caption reminds the significance of 文章的主题.

Everyone in the society has, to some extent, benefited from 文章的主题. When it comes to this topic, I can think of no better example than the selfless medical staff during their medical support to high-risk areas. When the whole country was afflicted with covid-19, these noble men and women overworked day and night and risked their own lives in order to save more infected patients regardless of daunting challenges. Without their 好的精神, we would not have survived this public health crisis in such a short period of time.

Nourished by文章的主题, all the members in the society tend to be乐观积极/坚韧自信…., which will in turn make the world a better place.


As is vividly depicted in the picture,there are/is sb doing sth. With…, sb is doing sth. (追加一句详述图画细节) The caption reminds the significance of 文章的主题.

The cartoonist, from my perspective, may seek to draw our attention to the reality that文章主旨 deserves our immediate attention. Two reasons may account for this phenomenon. In the first place, 相关人物(人们 / 当代大学生等)are under immense peer pressure as a consequence of the bruising competition. As is known to all, better jobs and even higher wages are probably associated with excellent performance in academic field. Secondly, certain trend in society also exerts an adverse impact. Youngsters are easily tempted by instant fame and immediate financial rewards around them, thus neglecting the importance of continuous academic efforts.

In the light of the aforementioned discussions, some measures should be employed to tackle this issue. For individuals, it is imperative for them to think about the big picture instead of focusing on the short-term benefits of 主题中不好的一面. Furthermore, the whole society is obliged to set more ideal examples and encourage the young to be主题中好的一面. And concerted efforts will definitely usher in a more harmonious society.


As is vividly depicted in the picture, there are/is sb doing sth. With_____, sb is doing sth. Below the picture, there is a caption that reads: “_____”.

Actually, the aim of the picture is to illustrate that 主题词(比如filial piety) is of great significance and deserves to be promoted actively. For one thing, this virtue, passed down from generation to generation, is one of our most precious possessions. By obeying this code of conduct, we can cultivate the sense of responsibility and enjoy the time spent with our dearest ones. For another thing, such merit, if practiced extensively, will become a positive factor in promoting the good functioning of our entire society. In other words, this trait is remarkably beneficial to building a harmonious and civilized society.

In conclusion, the virtue of主题词(比如respecting the old)will never be outdated and this trait can exert advantageous influence on both our society and every individual. Therefore, whatever situations we are confronted with, we must bear it in mind to assume the due responsibility for our parents. Only in this way can we witness a more sound and harmonious society.


As is vividly depicted in the picture, there are/is sb doing sth. With_____, sb is doing sth. Below the picture, there is a caption that reads: “_____”.

There are a number of factors accounting for this phenomenon. And I would like to emphasize the following ones. First and foremost, owing to the universal existence of 主题 词, people tend to overuse (主题词坏的一面), gradually the disadvantages of…(主题词)outweigh its advantages. Secondly, conveniences and high efficiency brought by (主题词)are so attractive that some people rely too much on it, which makes it possible for some people to overlook the problem of (主题词带来潜在的威胁/负面影响等), especially when they indulge in it. A case in point is…(可根据个人情况添加事例).

Based on the analyses above, we may draw a conclusion that so long as we take full advantage of …(主题词)and be on high alert to guard against the side effects, we will certainly solve/address similar problems/difficulties effectively and easily.

Ø 注

1如果写个人选择话题,一般结尾都可以写 选择最适合自己的 不要盲从

It is hard to decide which one is the best choice for all of us, thus it is advisable to follow your hear and stich to whatever that suits you the most.

2如果写科技类 一般结尾都可以写 科技是双刃剑 我们要正确对待科技 趋利避害

主题 is analogous to a double-edged sword but it all depends on us how to use it. If handled properly, it(代指主题) will definitely facilitate our life.

3 如果写文化 一般结尾都可以写 以我为主 取其精华去其糟粕

There are good reasons to embrace foreign cultures on the ground that our cultures can be unprecedentedly enriched in the long run by observing the world from different perspectives. However, confronted with different cultures, we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and resist the unfavorable impact.

4以前考过举例论证 所以以下人物实例仅作参考

Winston Churchill (persistence/perseverance)

Mother Teresa (love)

Beethoven (challenges/faith)

Xie An (education/model)

George Washington (integrity/faith)

Kobe Bryant (practice)

Marco Polo (culture convergence)

vehicles/fossil fuels/plastic bags (technology)

5 文采 警句谚语

Never say die.

Like father, like son.

As you sow, so will you reap.

No cross, no crown.

No pains, no gains.

Man proposes, god disposes.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

An idle youth, a needy age.

Constant dropping wears away the stone.

Every little helps.

Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.

A fall in pit, a gain in wit.

Every coin has two sides.

二 模拟练习 (横线为 可积累素材)

社会热点 科技

As is vividly demonstrated in the cartoon, three children are joyfully playing with a robot, which continues to output data from its built-in devices. What we can conclude from this picture is that with the presence of robots and modern household appliances, people’s living standards have been improved and they are able to enjoy a better life.

There are two reasons accounting for the widespread usage of these devices. For one thing, thanks to the constant technological innovation and advancement, the price of most tech products have been greatly lowered and a wide range of products are categorized to suit every pocket, which enable an increasing number of families to have these devices around them. For another, the fast pace of modern life is exerting mounting pressure on people, and most of them work overtime willingly or unwillingly almost every day, which leaves them little time and energy to do domestic chores. Therefore, there is a growing demand for outside help from tech products, saving users a lot of time and even boosting their happiness.

To sum up, in the light of the accessibility of modern tech products by most consumers and people’s hectic life, there is an admittedly upward trend in the prevalent use of robots and other devices.

此处可套模板 用双刃剑结尾

Undeniably, technology is analogous to a double-edged sword but it all depends on us how to use it. If handled properly, high technology will definitely facilitate our life.


As is vividly depicted in the drawing, in the middle of the cartoon stand a group people from different cultures in different dresses, hand in hand. How impressive the picture is in describing the reality that a unique culture is getting increasingly interconnected with another one, which ultimately contributes to cultural diversity.

Each and every day, millions of people are interacting with foreigners from another culture, be it face-to-face or on the Internet, and this trend is even pushed by international transactions and globalization. And the inevitable result--cultural diversity, will benefit every one of us in ways big and small as it has done. Admittedly, cultural diversity creates richness in our opinions. Some challenges facing the world today may be so daunting that they require the input of people from different cultural backgrounds if we are to succeed, because the cooperation of a diverse group will always offer fresh ideas to solve problems.

此处可套模板 取其精华弃其糟粕

In my opinion, the culture of any country is an indispensable part of the world’s spiritual wealth, which should be delicately preserved and cherished. Meanwhile, there are good reasons to embrace foreign cultures on the ground that our cultures can be unprecedentedly enriched in the long run by observing the world from different perspectives. However, confronted with different cultures, we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and resist the unfavorable impact. Only in this way can we promote cultural integration in the real sense, thus making our life better.

思想态度 爱心


So striking is the cartoon above that a person is watering the garden plants with a water jug shaped like a red heart, and the act of watering turns the plants into heart-shaped flowers. The caption reminds us of the power of love and its strong influence on people.

Everyone in the society has benefited from others’ goodness to a certain extent. When it comes to the topic of love, I can think of no better example than the selfless medical staff during their medical support to high-risk areas. When the whole country was afflicted with covid-19, these noble men and women overworked day and night and risked their own lives in order to save more infected patients. Without their sacrifice and generosity, we would not have survived this public health crisis in such a short period of time.

Nourished by the goodness of other people, all the members in the society tend to be grateful and caring, which will in turn make the world a better place.



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