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  charge 的短语与搭配  

  1 . have charge of sth [sb ] 负责照顾或管理某物或某人。如:

  He has charge of the branch. 他主管分店。

  Doctors have charge of sick people. 医生负责照顾病人。

  2 . in charge of 负责管理,主管。如:

  Mr Smith is in charge of the factory. 史密斯先生负责管理这个工厂。

  Mary is in charge of the children. 玛丽负责照顾这些孩子。

  注:有时可以不出现 of 短语。如:

  Who is in charge here? 这里谁负责?

  3 . in the charge of 在的管理之下。如:

  The factory is in the charge of my father. 这家工厂由我父亲负责。


  Mr Smith is in charge of our class.

  =Our class is in the charge of Mr Smith. 我们班由史密斯先生负责。

  注:in the charge of 中的介词 in 有时可换为 under。如:

  The baby is in [under] her charge. 这个婴儿由她照看。

  4 . take charge of 管理,负责。如:

  Soon he will take charge of the department. 他很快会来负责管理这个部门。

  The department was badly organized until she took charge

  . 这个部门在她负责管理以前组织工作做得很差。

  5 . charge some money for sth 因为某事物而索取钱。如:

  How much do you charge for a room with a bath? 一间带浴室的房间要多少钱?

  Theyll charge at least 50 dollars for doing it. 做这工作他们至少要索50美元。

  注:若要指明是向谁而索,可在 charge 后加 sb。如:

  He charged me five dollars for this magazine. 这本杂志他向我要了五美元。

  Im not going there again --- they charged me $2foracup of coffee. 我再也不去那里了---- 一杯咖啡就要了我一美元。

  6 . charge sb with sth 指控某人做某事,因为某事而控告某人。如:

  She charged him with cheating. 她告他进行欺骗。

  The police are going to charge him with murder. 警方准备控告他谋杀罪。


  He was charged with stealing. 他被指控偷盗。


  charge 的短语与搭配  

  1 . have charge of sth [sb ] 负责照顾或管理某物或某人。如:

  He has charge of the branch. 他主管分店。

  Doctors have charge of sick people. 医生负责照顾病人。

  2 . in charge of 负责管理,主管。如:

  Mr Smith is in charge of the factory. 史密斯先生负责管理这个工厂。

  Mary is in charge of the children. 玛丽负责照顾这些孩子。

  注:有时可以不出现 of 短语。如:

  Who is in charge here? 这里谁负责?

  3 . in the charge of 在的管理之下。如:

  The factory is in the charge of my father. 这家工厂由我父亲负责。


  Mr Smith is in charge of our class.

  =Our class is in the charge of Mr Smith. 我们班由史密斯先生负责。

  注:in the charge of 中的介词 in 有时可换为 under。如:

  The baby is in [under] her charge. 这个婴儿由她照看。

  4 . take charge of 管理,负责。如:

  Soon he will take charge of the department. 他很快会来负责管理这个部门。

  The department was badly organized until she took charge

  . 这个部门在她负责管理以前组织工作做得很差。

  5 . charge some money for sth 因为某事物而索取钱。如:

  How much do you charge for a room with a bath? 一间带浴室的房间要多少钱?

  Theyll charge at least 50 dollars for doing it. 做这工作他们至少要索50美元。

  注:若要指明是向谁而索,可在 charge 后加 sb。如:

  He charged me five dollars for this magazine. 这本杂志他向我要了五美元。

  Im not going there again --- they charged me $2foracup of coffee. 我再也不去那里了---- 一杯咖啡就要了我一美元。

  6 . charge sb with sth 指控某人做某事,因为某事而控告某人。如:

  She charged him with cheating. 她告他进行欺骗。

  The police are going to charge him with murder. 警方准备控告他谋杀罪。


  He was charged with stealing. 他被指控偷盗。




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