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过年英语作文 篇1

Fast New Year, my parents and I went to the national supermarket to buy New Year goods.

There were so many people in the mall that I held my mother's hand tightly for fear that it would be crowded out. We went to the underground supermarket in the elevator and saw that the container was filled with all kinds of things, clothes, food and use. A lot of people were picking things up with baskets, they were like white, they took this one. Longan, famous wine, tonic, milk, walnuts, pine nuts, frozen food... They all ran into their baskets, some with two baskets, and some simply put the waiter in the big box. We also bought a lot of things, there are nutrition for grandma, there is a big gift package for the younger brother, and the melon seeds and walnuts for the guests.

Come out to pay for, a dozen exit all line long line, collect money of aunt busy all busy not come over. Hey, why is the New Year so busy?

过年英语作文 篇2

the winter vacation is not so far from us.there are lots of thing i have done while this vacation.for one thing ,i have my lessons reviewed ,in order to improve the qulity of study.

for the other thing,i wish i would be betterafter hard working with my course.at first, i must correct all my final examination paper. secondly,i insist on reading english books and newspapers every day.i also keep on oral pratice. in my spare time,i will take an active part in activitise.i can gain the first hand imformations through the activitise which can help me to extend my knowlege.

过年英语作文 篇3

The New Year, every family hangs red lanterns and colorful with everyone hang money, each with a bright red couplets, that there's characters, dazzling gold, blessing to the people a happy New Year and yearning for a better life. The grown-ups were preparing dinner and talking happily, and the children were playing with new clothes, firecrackers, and chirping.

Night, the streets were filled with red lanterns lit, hanging on both sides of the road the tree lights are lit, flash, red, blue, yellow, green, do you like in the fairy tale world. When you pass through the square, the red light of the big "spring" lamp makes you feel a bit warm in the cold night, as if in this festive atmosphere, spring is coming to you.

As time goes on, firecrackers is more and more intensive, 11 o 'clock in the evening, reached its climax, the dark sky colorful with fireworks, the deafening noise coming from all directions, you can tell not clear which direction is the firecrackers, the air was filled with thick, suffocating sexual encounters, but all this and let you feel excited. For people, this may be the charm of Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year, the family gathered together, in the festival, the excitement we sent away the past year, is about to usher in the first day of the New Year, how happy it is!

过年英语作文 篇4

The Spring Festival is coming, and the atmosphere of the New Year is everywhere!

People wore a glamorous new clothes and everyone looks fresh, ear from shock ear guns from time to time, on the way, all the people in high spirits to their relatives, colleagues, friends, happy New Year, each with a sweet smile on her face.

At the door of every house is a Spring Festival couplet, the home hung a red red lantern.

Everyone bought firecrackers: the big thunder, the monkey, the fireworks, the fall, the cracker, the dazzling array. On the night of Spring Festival, all flowers bloom in the sky. Morning glory blowing purple small horn, gorgeous roses zhankai smiling faces, water lily woke up from my dream and noon flowers blossom, chrysanthemum in the air nodded, tobacco flowers wake in the dusk, the moon flower spread their petals, cordate telosma bursting beautiful flowers!

This New Year brings me happiness, lightness and happiness, and I will be in the New Year!

过年英语作文 篇5

Chinese New Year! Chinese New Year! Everyone is looking forward to the Spring Festival, and the adults want to get together. Children want to have their own new clothes and have lots of delicious and interesting things, and have their own red envelopes.

On the morning of the New Year, my father took me and my mother to my grandmother's house, which was in nanchong. It took us about three hours to get to my grandmother's house and I gave them an auspicious phrase: "I wish you good health and good luck!" After lunch grandma took me shopping, we came to the supermarket, wow! The supermarket is crowded with people, the goods are neatly arranged, and rich, I can not see.

We went back to the street, and saw all kinds of lanterns on the street and in the trees. As if I were in the sea of lanterns.

In the evening, I eat dinner to watch the Spring Festival evening party, I pick up the phone to send a message to the teacher say: "wish you a happy New Year, all the best, health!" The teacher replied, "thank you, and wish you a happy New Year! I was happy to see the text message.

Finally, at 12 o 'clock in the evening, we picked up the firecracker and put it on the ground. Suddenly there was a burst of firecrackers around me, louder and louder. I looked up and saw the fireworks in the sky. Some fireworks, like the meteor shower, some fireworks like xiang long in the night sky. The dark night sky turned into a dazzling sky.

I like the New Year, because give a person a kind of warm and happy feeling!



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